Saturday, August 31, 2019

Importance Of Sociology As A Field Of Study Essay

Sociology as a field of study attempts to explain the relationship between an individual and society. Sociological theories are a tool used to explain sociological problems and social structures. (Blumer, 1969) Societies can be viewed as organic structures. This was first explained by Parsons and Durkheim as they developed structural theories. These theories can be applied in education i. e. how students view education. Societies can also be viewed as economic structures. Under this concept, falls the conflict theory developed by Carl Marx. Marx looked at a number of theories that attempt to explain how people’s lives are shaped by social structures. Other theories that share a similar perspective are the functionalist theories. Societies can also be looked as social action. This implies that society shapes how people view themselves. In line with this perspective, sociologists came up with the idea of symbolic interactionism. There are also other ideas that go hand in hand with this idea i. e. GH mead. Lastly, one must apply all the sociological theories stated above and many others that have not been mentioned. For example one can consider Medicalisation of society’s problems. This can be explained by a number of sociological theories like: Marx’s theories, interactionist theories and Durkheiman’ theories. Importance of sociology as a field of study Conflict theory Sociology assists in explaining social change. It helps us to understand what the role of the individual is in changing society. This is best explained by the Conflict theory. This theory does not have only one name connoted to it although the founder of the theory was Karl Marx. There are various regions in the world where sociologists elaborated on this theory. Some of these sociologists are; †¢ Ralf Dahrendorf – Germany †¢ Ludwig Gumpolvicz – Germany †¢ Lewis Coser and Collins – USA †¢ Max Gluchman and Rex – UK (Garfinkel, 1967) The conflict theory’s main idea is that there exists a constant struggle in society and every entity in society is trying to make the most of their reimbursement consequently bringing about social change. This change can come in form of revolutions or it may be political. It focuses on coercion by groups and individuals to alter or control others’ actions. The theory helps us to understand why ideologies like socialism and capitalism. There is a constant struggle within society for paybacks. This theory can be viewed from two angles. The first angle is a radical one; society will forever in conflict while the second angle is that conflict combines with struggle to make up society. This moderate angle is best explained by the functionalism. The latter mentioned theory postulates that every member of society has a specific role to play. Conflict theory can best be perceived as a pyramid. Influential people are at the top and they impose their will upon less powerful people who happen to be the majority. This implies that people in power are taken to be superior and they are the ones responsible for modern day laws, institutions and traditions. This theory can be stretched to explain how morality or deviance is defined. The powerful individuals in society label deeds or actions as immoral if those actions challenge their influence and power. Conflict theory also attempts to explain stratification in society but from an individualistic point of view. It looks at individuals needs instead of society’s needs as a whole. Every individual tries to struggle for respect, goods and services as well as power; these e all very scarce. In this light therefore, individuals belong to organisations that represent their own interests. The theory views organisations as entities that are mostly influenced by external rather than internal factors. (Goffman, 1958) In the theory, there are a number of conflicts that fall under. These include; †¢ Class †¢ Race and ethnicity †¢ Gender †¢ Religion Marx believed that class conflict was caused by differential ownership of property. However, this theory was later challenged by other sociologists who believed that there is more to class than property ownership. These sociologists believe that this is only one aspect. Racial conflict has its root cause in differential power. According to the theory, superior races are those one who are well endowed with power, prestige and education. There are four basic assumptions in this theory. The first is that there is inequality in society’s structures, secondly there is revolution as a result of struggle between a numbers of social classes, thirdly there is competition for resources and lastly war exists to unify or divide society. Conflict can take the form of a strike where workers struggle to gain back control after it has been taken from them by their employers. Another form of a conflict could be through wars. Wars usually represent clashes between social classes. Taking the case of military coups, this is an example of a conflict between the main population and the military. (Durkheim, 1915) Ethnomethodology Ethnomethodology is the study of how people interpret their social world. This theory has its history back in the mid twentieth century and was founded by Garfinkel who was an American sociologist. The theory is quite different form other well known theories. This theory is founded on the fact that there is no order in society; society is chaotic or has the potential to be chaotic. According to the theory, any semblance of order is created by the minds of actors within society it simply does not exist. This is in sharp contrast to other well known theories. Social order may be defined as the systematic pattern of behaviour within society. It opposes the fact that actions are not thought out and are simply haphazard. Ethnomethodologists believe that individuals encounter several experiences in their lives. These individuals try to make sense of these encounters by placing them into a form of organised system. They believe in a documentary method. Here, individuals simply pick out certain events within a social situation and try to make sense of them. After they have organised those events into a pattern, then they use that pattern as a template to explain other situations that may arise. Garnfinkel used an experiment to demonstrate this theory. He got a number of students and instructed them to ask a supervisor about a number of issues on their mind. The students could not see the advisor but could talk to him. They asked him a number of questions and this advisor could only say yes or no. What the students did not know was the advisor was reading out a list of responses that did not match their questions in any way. It was found that most of the responses did not make logical sense but most of the students tried to interpret them nonetheless. They did not question the integrity of the advisor but they tried to compare past responses with present ones in order to come up with an orderly pattern. For example one of the students thought that he should quit school and asked the advisor this. The advisor told him ‘no’ and out of disbelief the student repeated this same question after which the advisor said ‘yes’. It was found that this particular student did not dismiss the advisor but tried to make sense of the situation. According to the theory, the students were trying to form sense out of senselessness. They were trying to turn chaos into order. Garfinkel introduces the idea of indexicality. This means that human beings have a tendency to index things that occur to them i. e. they always try to put things within a certain social context. They must relate it to other things that have occurred to them before or during a particular scene. For example, the interaction that took place between the students and the advisor followed a certain path because the students held the advisor in high esteem. This implies that if the student could see what was happening with the advisor behind the screen that had covered him, or if their classmates asked answered their questions, then their reactions would have been totally different. This is because the students would simply have formed another documentary. People who adhere to this theory believe that all human beings have preconceived notions about their daily lives. This means that if a sudden change was brought into someone’s life their reactions are quite different. This is justified by the fact that it would be very chaotic if we looked at things differently at all times. We must become familiar with some aspects of our lives so as to be able to Symbolic interactionism This theory has its history in the late nineteenth century. It was pioneered by a sociologist from Germany called Marx Weber. The theory is best known for its subjectivity rather than its objectivity. Interactionists focus on individuals rather than on society as a whole. They perceive human beings as creatures whose behaviours are reactive or subject to the approval of others. This is because all actions, according to them, are like symbolic actions which are interpreted differently according to one’s perspective. This theory also looks at human beings as symbolic objects who can think and react to situations. This means that individuals within a society are active participants of their society. They determine what happens to them. Sociologists adhering to this theory believe that we are not passive entities who must mould themselves to society’s rules and standards. This theory focuses on external issues and simple interactions. It cannot be used to interpret deeper social settings like capitalism. It is also quite crucial to note that this theory perceives society’s norms as transient and constantly changing. Stability and order in society is determined by negotiations. The systems themselves are not stable but the means by which these systems in society are created is stable. (Merton, 1968) The theory therefore points one on the direction of roles played by people in society. The theory places importance in role making and role taking. This means that individuals must put themselves in a certain perspective in order to understand another person’s point of view. Studies on interactionism are therefore done through active role taking. This is because they believe that one must interact thoroughly with another party in order to understand the reason why they made their decision. However critics have claimed that the theory is too narrow and cannot be applied to macro situations. It has also been criticised for its impressionism during research methods. (George, 1964) Functionalism The theory was pioneered by a French sociologist called Emile Durkheim back in the mid to late nineteenth century. This theory compares the individual with his/her society and also scientific method of analysing society. This implies that one can be able to study the social world using observation and analysis. It also assumes that studies of society can be done freely and without any bias. Another crucial aspect of the theory is the organic aspect of society. It compares society to an organism. That there are various parts of the body that each has their own function. This is analogous to society and its members. It is also important to note the homeostatic nature of interactions. This theory looks at society as a system that must remain in equilibrium. Any deviation from this is corrected by a number of mechanisms like gossip or even imprisonment depending on the scenario. Conclusion Interactionists believe that social order is continuously remade as people interact. Social order is not static and changes with time. Functionalists believe that order within society exists as a result of an agreement between members of society. That is collective behavioural patterns that are regarded as the norm in society. Again, the theory strongly affirms that social order does exist. Marxists believe that social order is created from a struggle to gain control of limited resources while ethnomethodologists mould situations to fit into a certain behavioural pattern. All these theories attempt to explain why human beings behave the way the do either as individuals or as a group on a macro scale. This is the essence of sociology.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Effects of modern gadgets to high school students Essay

PREFACE PART ONE What is a Person? Chapter 1 Missing Persons Chapter 2 An Apocalypse of Self-Abdication Chapter 3 The Noosphere Is Just Another Name for Everyone‟s Inner Troll PART TWO What Will Money Be? Chapter 4 Digital Peasant Chic Chapter 5 The City Is Built to Music Chapter 6 The Lords of the Clouds Renounce Free Will in Order to Become Infinitely Lucky Chapter 7 The Prospects for Humanistic Cloud Economics Chapter 8 Three Possible Future Directions PART THREE The Unbearable Thinness of Flatness Chapter 9 Retropolis Chapter 10 Digital Creativity Eludes Flat Places Chapter 11 All Hail the Membrane PART FOUR Making The Best of Bits Chapter 12 I Am a Contrarian Loop Chapter 13 One Story of How Semantics Might Have Evolved PART FIVE Future Humors Chapter 14 Home at Last (My Love Affair with Bachelardian Neoteny) Acknowledgments Preface IT‟S EARLY in the twenty-first century, and that means that these words will mostly be read by nonpersons—automatons or numb mobs composed of people who are no longer acting as individuals. The words will be minced into atomized search-engine keywords within industrial cloud computing facilities located in remote, often secret locations around the world. They will be copied millions of times by algorithms designed to send an advertisement to some person somewhere who happens to resonate with some fragment of what I say. They will be scanned, rehashed, and misrepresented by crowds of quick and sloppy readers into wikis and automatically aggregated wireless text message streams. Reactions will repeatedly degenerate into mindless chains of anonymous insults and inarticulate controversies. Algorithms will find

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Research proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Research proposal - Essay Example It is generally believed that brands have personalities just as humans do. Brand personality is seen as a valuable factor in creating an attachment and bonding with the product in the same say as human create attachment and bonding. The similar measures of personality attributes and factors are used in the promotion of brands. Since it is commonly used by a wide variety of products, this research would aim to ascertain to what extent having a brand personality increases consumers’ brand loyalty. The definition of brand personality differs and so do the attributes that are applicable across different nations. Literature is available on how a brand owner could use brand personality as a way to build and maintain brands. Literature is also available on the packaging as a means of building brand personality. Brand image differs across goods and services. Very little literature is available on celebrity endorsement enhance the brand image and builds brand personality although it is often seen to be very effective. The researches conducted so far express the need that brand personality represents an extensive field for research. Celebrities like David Beckham are lending their names and the brand owners are capitalizing on this concept. It is essential to determine to what extent celebrity endorsement helps in creating brand image and establish the brand. To what extent is celebrity endorser important in building brand personality and how these influence consumers’ decisions? Because of the diverse literature available, it is important to understand how the consumer perceives the brand. The first questions deals with the different forms in which brand personality is communicated. This includes packaging, advertising, positioning etc. The Big Five personality traits that influence personality traits have to be studied in detail as authors have diverse opinion and priorities in this area. Again, these could

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trauma and Human rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Trauma and Human rights - Essay Example s innately associated with human rights in the sense that the violation of any quintessential human right does connote to an individual an utterly stressful and distressing experience which could be called to be a trauma or a traumatic experience. The sense of trauma of any violated individual gets augmented manifold if one is deprived of one’s basic human rights owing to some essential and intimate aspect of one’s own identity. For instance denying justice to an individual owing to one’s race or persecuting and violating an individual owing to one’s gender are not only gross violations of human rights, but also amount to utterly traumatic experiences that could accrue intense emotional and psychological pain. Thereby, the very fact of being a human accrues one certain fundamental and basic rights and violation of any of these rights, by its very nature, content and intent could amount to be a traumatic

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Answer two question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Answer two question - Essay Example In the pursuit of the church to bring back to the faith in Christianity, the religious institution has hired artists to create artworks that are filled with intense emotions. This can be seen on how one of the premier painters, Michelangelo Caravaggio used diagonal lines and painterly techniques, especially the chiaroscuro, to provide depth, emotions and sensuality in his paintings. One of the noticeable paintings is the Supper at Emmaus. In this case, there is a realistic portrayal of the narrative of the last supper, which is a clear diversion from the traditional linear perspective presentation. In the paintings, it can be seen that the image is taken as a complete whole. If one of the elements is taken away, it loses it the essence. Another common property of these artworks is to extend the artworks confinement beyond the canvas. This can be seen also in the way sculpture and architecture interacted to convey the intensity of emotions that totally redefined views on art. Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s work Esctasy of St. Theresa is one the groundbreaking artworks of the said period that shows a religious subject matter that was conveyed in a highly emotional composition. In this sculpture, the light shows the angel’s role as messenger by carrying an arrow to be used as a piercer for St. Theresa’s heart. Inasmuch, the suspended emotions of St. Theresa, in a state of ecstasy creates awe because of her reclining form and expression of an intense emotion as a response to the angel’s gestures. At the same time, the sculpture interacts with the architecture because it can be seen as an altar. It can be seen that flow or movement present in the artworks, together with the way they are situated posits intense emotionality. The traditional, religious images (having halos and other divine attributes) have been converted into

Monday, August 26, 2019

Clark v. McDaniel, 546 N.W. 2d 590 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Clark v. McDaniel, 546 N.W. 2d 590 - Essay Example Believing they were misled, the Appellees sued the Appellants for fraudulent misrepresentation and Defendants for breach of contract. The trial court ruled in favor of the Appellees against the Appellant, but dismissed actions against the Defendant. The Appellees sued against the Appellant and the Defendants for fraudulent misrepresentation and breach of contract. The trial court, however, ruled in favor of the Appellees against the Appellant for fraudulent misrepresentation but dismissed actions against the Defendant for breach of contract. The said case gave rise to the appeal by the Appellant and cross-appeal by the Appellees. The foundation of the Appellant’s appeal is threefold. First, the Appellant alleges that no actual false statement, misrepresenting the car’s true condition, was made to the Pierces such that there was no â€Å"affirmative misstatement†. Second, he argues that the Appellees, as third-parties to his transaction with the Defendant, â€Å"[could] not justifiably rely on his statements† since no actual contact happened between them. Lastly, he argues that regardless of the falsity of his statements, the Appellees failed to adequately prove damages. The Appellees, on the other hand, is asking the Supreme Court to reconsider the trial court’s dismissal of the breach of contract claim against the Defendants, seeking the court to order a rescission of the purchase agreement, instead. The Supreme Court affirmed the trial court’s decision on both appeals, defeating the appeal and cross-appeal. The Appellant’s fraudulent misrepresentation was upheld, with damages awarded to the Appellees modified to reflect correct trade-in values. In addition, the dismissal against the Defendants was also upheld, denying Appellees the availability of rescission. First, should the Appellant be relieved of the fraudulent misrepresentation judgment because no active misstatement happened?  

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Scientific Concept and Learning Development from Vygotsky's Theory Research Paper

Scientific Concept and Learning Development from Vygotsky's Theory - Research Paper Example It is during this development stages that the child acquires the scientific concepts, which enable them to learn and progress (Vygostky & Cole, 1978). Systematic concept and the everyday concepts are two very different ideas in everyday reasoning. In this regard, in the everyday concept, human ideas are based on their social, cultural concepts, but not on the relation to human traits in the field of the size of brain or soul. In the everyday concept, humans tend to think of a certain thinker, which they look at the perception of the socioeconomic and the social-cultural background in which they are associated in work. In the same context, scientists rely on the thoughts, and the tools present in their time. For instance, the playground of a child offers them the opportunity to play with more objects (Daniels & Hedegaard, 2011). The environment holds a major role in learning the progress of the everyday concept. On the other hand, systematic concept entails the person’s behavior or the social behaviors, which are composed of compound of amalgamation of reflexes. Reflexes are the â€Å"fundamental atoms† which are the main straightforward for behavioral acts that are observed. In the same concept, systematic concept involves the use of a scientific move toward analyzing the observable fact in terms of reflexes with the intention to comprehend the complex psychological and the societal phenomenon. However, systematic concept creates tension for the scientific interest and the blend of a reductionist mechanical approach (Egan, 2007). There arises a huge difference between concept and systematic concepts in the everyday ideas. For instance, for everyday concept, the link amid biological and social traits of the state of affairs gives new channels of reasoning about pedagogic approaches to settings such as cerebral palsy. Moreover, teaching profession rebuffs children with disability to acquire

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Risk of Disease due to Heredity and Lifestyle Term Paper Essay

Risk of Disease due to Heredity and Lifestyle Term Paper - Essay Example That while both grew up under almost similar conditions, eating more or less similar foods, and with both developing affinity for basketball at early ages, the latters’ injury that left him with a broken leg during his second year in college would latter change his fortunes forever. Though Johnson remained focused on his studies, the loss of his basketball career was but a painful experience that pushed him into a partying spree that included heavy drinking, with beer alongside buffalo chicken wings and pizza finding way much into his daily diet. Despite the unforeseen circumstance that befell his brother, Lida never lost hope, spending hours conditioning his weight both in the gym and through sports in order to scale up the heights that they both started together. Unknown to Lida was the very fact that Johnson has gone extreme, eating convenience foods, heavy in protein, in effect avoiding the strenuous, time consuming fresh food preparation that are usually much healthier. At his graduation, Johnson weighed over 400 pounds, increasing even further after securing a job in one of the reputed auditing firms in the country. He, Jonson, would soon be diagnosed with hypertension, type 2 diabetes and mild kidney disease, all of which can be traced within the family lineage. More than anything else, he has more than worsened obesity statistics that the state is fighting so hard to reduce. It is more of a fact that obesity is a threat to a healthy lifestyle. The above diseases are more related to poor eating habits and inadequate physical exercises to help in the burning of excess fats within the body systems, and that more than ever, I am determined to pursue nutritional information as much possible, ensure the availability of nutrient-rich snacks, model healthy eating habits, and more than anything else, make tremendous efforts in practicing such healthy

Minimum Wages Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Minimum Wages - Essay Example The workers who are having relatively more expertise in a certain job than the unskilled ones are categorized in semi skilled market. (A) With the use of diagrams illustrate and explain the likely effect of the introduction of minimum wage legislation on labor markets over time. Answer: The rates of minimum wage can vary across jurisdictions. The concerned authorities are entitled to set the minimum amount of wage for the workers. The indicators that minimizes the loss of jobs as well as maintains international competitiveness is used to set the initial minimum wage. The general economic conditions like real and nominal rates of gross domestic product, the supply and demand of labor force, and the level of inflation existing within the economy, the different terms of employment and costs of labor and business operation, the standard of living are taken into consideration as well. In a perfectly competitive labor market many firms are in competition in hiring workers. The firms lack t he power to set wages and the wage rate is determined by the market. If a firm deviated from that wage it losses by paying higher and gains if it pays lesser. In employer dominated labor markets there is a collection of some small local markets. Some firms enjoy the dominant position and a major employer has the capability to set the wage rate for the workers without the fear of competition from other firms (Flinn, 2010, p. 3).. In both the cases there are large numbers of workers and each of them has a reservation wage. The worker may not work if the wage rate is below his reservation wage. The relationship between the participants in the labor market and the market wage is regarded as labor supply and denoted by the upward sloping curve. The effect of the introduction of minimum wage legislation depends on the type of labor market. The employers’ power on wage decisions is dependent on whether the market is competitive or not. Two scenarios can be taken under consideration. The diagram below shows two market structures. Bothe panels have the supply and the demand curve for labor. The wage rate is depicted on the X-axis while total labor force N is depicted on the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication Essay - 14

Hazardous Material Management and Hazard Communication - Essay Example Whereas when yellow is used in the background color it is an indication of warning signs and school signs. And at the same time orange is used in background to indicate construction and maintenance warnings. However, where orange is used in the warning signs  fluorescent red- orange or fluorescent yellow-orange colors  may be used (, 2015). This is because these shades of orange provide higher conspicuity than the standard shade of orange especially at twilight (, 2015). Conclusively it can be said that these colors also have an automatic indication in the minds of the people. Red color immediately catches attention and indicates that something is wrong (, 2015). Yellow on the other hand is a light color and is also used in a similar way, guiding people who are on their way to school and ignored by others (, 2015). Whereas orange also helps in grabbing attention but does not alerts the audience, however indicates that the service is currently not available due to construction or maintenance in progress (,

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Marketing techniques Essay Example for Free

Marketing techniques Essay Introduction The businesses and products I chose happened to be, Nike and their Mercurial football boots, and Sony and their PS3 gaming console. I chose these products because I think they are both reasonably diverse, and in their time, both these products have experienced a range of sections within the product life cycle. For example, due to Nike’s football boots having to be constantly refreshed and renewed due to high competition, they have experienced, each sector, a number of times. In contrast, the Sony and their PS3 have also experienced similar experiences. For example, due to this specific console being one of the most successful and exclusive gaming consoles of all time, the overall competition has been reasonably low, and due to this, this certain product has seen the product life cycle at a very different perspective by experiencing each sector at a much slower rate. Product The diagram presented above dictates the process in which businesses go through, when marketing. Every business will follow this strategy when they advertise and market a product in order to gain the most sales, and to generate a substantial amount of profit. For example, the first stage of this Product Life Cycle is the Development. This stage entitles a business to conjure up a selected idea, in which they will later hope to produce as a product and then sell. The development stage is where the business will discover the blue prints of their product and how they will later market it. In other words, the development stage provides a foundation for the selected product as it will be built as a prototype to be later sold to the public in order to increase sales and profits. This certain stage is very secretive within any organisation. Other businesses do not want to let their competitors have knowledge of what they’re producing, in case they steal and release the idea before, a nd generate a mass of publicity, sales and profits. The next stage is referred to as the introduction stage; this is  where the business launches its completed product for the first time. This certain sector is vital as it will later determine how successful the product is, and whether it should be develop further. Within the Introduction stage, sales begin to grow slowly if the product begins to generate publicity, this is usually due to the lack of knowledge people have about your product, and it is also due to the lack of advertising. However, a business may not want to advertise straight away, as they may waste money on advertising a product that their piers may not essentially want or need. Therefore, business tend to use the certain advertising scheme, known as informative advertising, this includes small processes in which a business can build their products reputation or publicity. If this section of the product life cycle is successful, businesses can later develop on their products, thus enabling them to create further marketing schemes, beneficial to them, in regards to their sales, profits and annual turnover. The next stage within the Product life cycle is, Growth. This is where a business’s product begins to increase in sales, rapidly. This is due to increased demands, and the fact that all the business’s persuasive marketing schemes are working, thus increasing sales and profits. The growth sector within this product life cycle basically classifies how successful a business is, by being within the growth sector; this indicates that the business’s product is successful and popular. The fourth and pen ultimate stage is known as the Maturity stage. This is where a selected product, created by a business begins to sustain profits, and generate sales slowly. This stage takes place after the growth stage, due to many factors such as an increase in product competition due to the publicity of your product, as well as an increase in advertising due to businesses trying to sustain the success of their product. After this stage, comes the final stage, or otherwise known as the Decline. This stage entails a business’s product to begin to drop in sales, reduce in publicity and popularity, it begins to lose its appeal and competition becomes stiffer and bigger, therefore fewer units are sold. At this stage, advertising is either halted or completely stopped, and possibly the production of the item may decrease in activity in order to retain money and boost the production on other marketing schemes/ideas. Brand: Nike, Inc. Nike, Inc or Nike is a very popular and successful business that originated  in the early 70s. This business firstly began, known as Blue Ribbon Sports in 1964, however, 7 years later saw them changing their name into what we know them today as; Nike Inc. This organisation specialises in sports apparel and accessories. This sport based business sells items within sports such as Football, Rugby, Golf, Basketball, Cricket, tennis, athletics and pretty much every other sport. However, I feel they are extremely notorious for their very professional and popular football boots. For example, Nike have earned international success and have worked with the likes of Ronaldinho, Ronaldo, Cristiano Ronaldo, Didier Drogba, Neymar, Zlatan Ibrahimović, Mario Balotelli, Wesley Sneijder, Wayne Rooney and Landon Donovan in regards to promoting their Football related range of goods. However, in regards to my product, Nike has formed many advertising schemes with players such as Zlatan Ibrahimovià „‡ (left) and Cristiano Ronaldo (right). Product: Nike Mercurial Vapor This certain product is a very popular and renowned piece of sports apparel. This certain product is linked with football, as they are, a selected type of football boot. This variation of football boot comes in many shapes and sizes, this enables the product to appeal to all different, acquired tastes, and overall this will help the brand Nike Inc, reach out and attract customers. However, my reasoning for choosing this brand would be its placement within the product life cycle, due to increased and increasing competition, businesses such as Nike Inc have to constantly refresh and renew their produce, in order to maintain customers and as a business become more appealing and modern/stylish. Therefore, I believe these products fluctuate between growth and Maturity, for example, due to the competition, new boots are brought out every couple of months or year, this causes older boots, and their predecessors to be regarded as â€Å"old†, â€Å"boring† or â€Å"out of fashion†. Therefore, each boot only has a selected amount of time, until the next big style or football boot gets released. Like I mentioned before, I believe this product is mainly situated within the growth sector, as each boot only obtains a selected amount of time to succeed and become appealing, until the next brand gets released; therefore, it’s time to mature and become a cemented item is limited. Brand: Sony Corporation Sony Corporation, or Sony, is a very successful and popular Japanese multinational corporation that specialises in electronics, game systems and game entertainment. Sony is one of the leading providers of game entertainment in today’s society; they have produced some iconic titles/products like the PS1, the PS2, the PS3 and its most recent addition, the next generation of console, known as the PS4. These gaming, entertainment systems have altered and revolutionised the way we play virtual games, and they have truly made their mark on gadget history. Sony is a Japanese business that began in 1946, its name, at the time stood as Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo, however, since 1958, this iconic brand has been referred to as Sony. Product: Sony, Play station 3 The product I will be using during this task will be Sony’s, award winning creation/product, known as the PS3. I believe this product has been very, very successful, and I think I it will be an ideal product to evaluate and analyse. For example, seeing as this certain console is one of few gaming entertainment systems to be released in the modern era, the competition is reasonably low, therefore, its time during the product life cycle has sustained and gradually evolved into being a product within the Maturity sector. However, due to recent events, a new range of console appeared, formed by the same brand; Sony. This new range of gaming console is referred to as, the next generation of gaming entertainment, and this specific console is known as the Sony PS4. This PS4 was released into stores and gaming retailers on such dates as the 15th of November 2013 (for North American Citizens), the 29th of November 2013 (for European Citizens) and 22nd February 2014 (for Asian Citizens); and as of March 2nd 2014, this product has already sold as many units as 6 million worldwide. Because of this, the Sony PS3 will eventually fall into the declining sector within the product life cycle, due to decreasing demand, decreasing popularity and a decrease in advertising and production. This certain factor is one prominent reason why I have chosen this product to feature within my coursework. Promotion The promotional process within a business is where an organisation would advertise a selected product to either inform existing customers of new modifications to their products, or to advertise a new product they have just created and finished. The methods and messages business use when displaying their products are very important, as it can overall determine the outcome/success of the product. For example, businesses want to sustain and attract new and existing customers by using persuasive and informative promotional materials, and if their promotional schemes do not achieve this substantial amount of money can be lost, thus negatively affecting the business and potentially damaging the business. There are many forms and ways in which business can promote their products for example: Advertising – Through TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, internet Direct selling – directly approaching and â€Å"targeting† customers, e.g. public speakers, telesales, door salesmen Direct Marketing – Leaflets, mailshots, emails Point-of-sale – selling point stands, free samples, vouchers, offers Incentives – loyalty cards, bonus points or point systems i.e. these exist on many crisp and cereal selling brands Public Relations – Ensuring the organisations name is well known and grown or growing publicity. Catchy slogans, and brand names or e.g. sponsorships like Nike’s Cristiano Ronaldo sponsorship deals Sales Promotion – special offers, deals, sales to attract customers All these ways are commonly used by business in order to boost the publicity and overall speculation on their product, as every business needs to achieve a certain amount of customers, in order to generate profit. As well as these promotional ideas/methods, businesses also use certain features like AIDA. This stands for (A) Attraction, (I) Interest, (D) Desire, (A) Action. This diagram is used to represent a customer’s approach to reviewing a product. For example, when seeing a advert that appeals to them, these (potential) future customers will have a mental review of the product, and over a period of time, this AIDA process should unravel and take its formation. This is a process in which many businesses follow, in regards to promoting and releasing their product/ideas so they can identify what techniques to use, when advertising and promoting their products. For example, firstly comes the Attraction of the product, businesses want to represent their newly formed product as a new revolutionary item that will  benefit someone in every way, where it’s needed. Therefore, business will present their item as â€Å"cool†, â€Å"modern† and highly â€Å"anticipated† despite it’s not even released yet. This is in order to obtain the focus of customers and to gain their attention to their product. The success rate in which businesses do this will determine how many people will feel encouraged to buy your product, an increase of this will overall benefit the business and generate them with increase/grown profits. Secondly comes Interest, this is where business aim to achieve the focus and publicity of their product . Because of this, businesses want people/customers to gain an interest to their product, they want people to feel they need and have to purchase it. If a business successes within this stage, this could impact the business in a number of positive ways. For example, an increased amount of people interested within your product could mean, an increase in profits, and this will most certainly benefit a business. Businesses do this by containing people within their adverts or promotional materials looking happy with the product, or featuring famous figures in order to promote how stylish a product can be. Like I briefly mentioned, businesses want customers to feel the need to have their product, this stage is referred to as the Desire stage, this is where business feature many promotional materials in order to obtain the attention of customers and make them feel the need to want to buy and purchase their product. Again businesses can do this through featuring famous figures like Cristiano Ronaldo in order to promote their new product. By doing this, many fans of these famous figures may feel desired into purchasing the product as they deem it as stylish or maybe they just feel loyal to the role model/celebrity who promoted it. Finally features the stage/section known as Action. This the physical side to this AIDA cycle, for example Action is where the customer/reviewer will eventually purchase the good and use it/consume it for its purpose. Within this cycle, businesses don’t really have to do anything more at this stage, the customer has bought their product, all the business can do now is wait and assume the certain client has grown fond of their product, thus potentially forming them into an existing customer/loyal consumer. What are the promotional techniques used by your businesses? Within the two businesses I have chosen, there are multiple promotional techniques. Within the paragraphs displayed below, I will present this and eventually outline their strengths,  weaknesses, and comparison with compe titors and their differences. Nike Inc, Mercurial Vapor: For this selected product, I found many promotional schemes, however, I commonly found promotional processes within the advertising side of promotion, and these TV advertisements included famous footballers like Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimović in order to boost the attraction of their product as well as the desirability. For example, some screen shots/links of the adverts collected: Advertisements: Cristiano Ronaldo: Zlatan Ibrahimović: Strengths: Within this set of Nike commercials, I thought the real strengths and positive aspects had to be the way in which they want people to perceive their products. For example, within each advert/promotional technique, they indicate how their style of football boot could change the way in which you perform, and how it can alter your abilities. For example, within the Cristiano Ronaldo adverts, it depicts Ronaldo, running through a whole team, easily with such pace, the advert then finished with the simple statement of: Be fast. Be Mercurial. This would indicate to customers that their special brand of football boot could enhance their abilities and the way they perform on the football pitch. For many football fans, and aspiring football players, these factors may be very important and this may encourage them to buy the item as they desire the certain traits these products supposedly provide. This is also a good way of advertising, because when people purchase this variation of football bo ot, it’s another way of advertising, however it’s free. For example, potential customers may see other people wearing the advertised boots, and this may cause them to feel jealous due to them knowing what the boots supposedly provide trait wise, as well as the fact, their favourite footballer may be the cover of that  certain brand, therefore they could feel further experiences of jealousy. This factor is very important because, in modern day football, the competitiveness between aspiring players may be extremely high, therefore each player wants/needs a certain factor such as new boots that may pose them with an â€Å"advantage† over everybody else/their opponents. Overall this will encourage more people to purchase Nike’s product as the certain products may feel increasingly desired, thus potentially increasing their profits and reputation. I also feel strength of these advertisements is the involvement/featuring of worldwide known sports figures like Cristiano Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimović. Many young people interested within sports and football idolize over certain role models like these players, therefore, when these people see the Nike adverts featuring them, they feel obliged to purchase the certain piece of sports apparel in a way of supporting their role model. Therefore, Nike can use this to their advantage by exploiting how these players â€Å"benefit† from their products, and how it will reflect on their customers. For example, many fans and expiring footballers may feel, that wearing the same football boot as Cristiano Ronaldo or Zlatan Ibrahimović will grant them with their abilities and skill. Because of this, Nike’s advertisements can easily attract more customers by featuring these great athletes, thus potentially boosting their profits due to increased attraction and desirability. Weaknesses: Within these adverts, I felt it was very hard to find a significant weakness; however, I came to the conclusion of their adverts potentially degrading people. For example, due to the adverts representing how football players could be boosted/enhanced by the certain football boot, certain people who may desire the item, however can’t afford it may feel, when they play football, they do not have enough skill or power when on the pitch in comparison to people wearing these advertised boots. Because of this, many people may feel degraded, and they may also feel potentially weaker as a footballer, and this could potentially have a negative effect on Nike due to some people possibly feeling depressed about their abilities when being reminded of their products and their brand faces like Ronaldo and Zlatan Ibrahimović. Therefore, Nike may suffer some reductions in customers,  therefore a decrease in overall profits. Comparisons with competitors: When comparing to competitors, I believe Nike is probably at the best stage, I believe Nike is at the top of their game. For example, I think the way in which these commercials are conducted, represent these products with style, professionalism, power, speed, agility, and skill, precision. Because of this, I believe Nike’s target audience has been expanded for example, due to the professionalism and smart appearance of these products and their commercials, elder customers may also be enticed to purchase the products, as well as young, aspiring players. I also feel Nike made the correct choice when choosing players like Cristiano Ronaldo when advertising their products. For example, over the past couple of years, Ronaldo has accomplished many individual and joint awards and has successfully earned his place as the one of the best, if not the Best player in the world. Because of this, more people may have been enticed to buy Nike’s products, thus potentially booting their profits and overall reputation. Sony, Play Station 3: Again, with this certain product, I found Sony Corporation used many promotional techniques in order to advertise their product, especially within television, posters and billboards. For example: Links: – Long Live Play Michael – PS3 Baby Commercial Strengths: Within these Sony, PS3 commercials/promotional material, I found that theses commercials had many aspects about them that were positive. One of these was the engagement to the audience a special individuals that are avid console gamers. For example, within the Long Live Play commercial, a group of gaming characters formed in order to celebrate the background character known as Michael who controlled their stories, as he PLAYED their games. I believe this is a positive effect as certain people may recognise these gaming characters, therefore they already obtain some variation of emotional  attachment to them, because of this, more people may be attracted to Sony’s products. For example, by seeing characters from certain games they have played may trigger many good memories of these people playing these games when they were younger. Because of this, they may feel encouraged to buy the console in order to recap on old memories, because of this, and increased amount of people buying Sony’s products will mean, and increased amount of profits, thus benefitting Sony in a number of ways. Another strength could be the suspense during the commercial. For example, the Long Live Play commercial depicts a group of characters speaking and celebrating about this person called Michael, however, customers watching the commercial don’t’ actually get told who this Michael is and why he’s important until the very end. I believe this is a very good promotional technique as this may cause customers having to watch the entire commercial as they are curious to whom Michael is, and by that time, they are drawn in and notified of the brand â€Å"Sony – PS3†. This suspense could ideally cause more people to remember the commercial, and overall these factors could increase the amount of people wh o will buy Sony’s products, thus increasing their profits further. Weakness: In comparison to the Nike commercials, I felt there were more negatives within these certain promotional methods, especially within the first commercial I watch, the PS3 baby commercial. I feel there were certain negative, such as how vague the promotional method was, for example, I don’t feel and can’t seem to analyse any form of message or purpose into why Sony depicted a baby doll, glancing at their product and making a series of different noises. If anything I believed this certain commercial was quite weird, and if I were to watch this commercial, my initial reaction would probably deter me from buying this product,, as I found little about the product itself, and the way I think the commercial was conducted was very strange and dysfunctional. I believe this would overall be a negative effect in regards to Sony. For example, if people are deterred from buying you product, due to your commercial, this could result in reduced sales and ultimately a decrease in your a nnual turnover. I also find, within the Long Live Play commercial, if you were new to gaming and unaware of some of the figures within the production, the advert wouldn’t really appeal to you,  therefore the way Sony aimed to increased sales through this promotional method may not work as well as hoped. For example, how do you expect to connect with some of the characters when you’re un aware of their story/history? Ultimately this could affect the turnover and sales created through this product and it could mean less people may purchase Sony’s products, thus potentially affecting their profits. However, in relevance to my last point, it could also be perceived as a positive, for example, if some people are unaware of certain characters, this may leave them questioning their purpose, and why they’re there. Because of this, people unaware of this information may feel the need to purchase a games console and some related game titles in order to find understand why certain characters were within the commercial. Due to this, businesses like Sony who sell gaming systems may receive increased sales due to people new to games, and are searching for a correct platform to play on. Overall this would positively affect Sony as sales may increase, as well as profits, thus benefiting the company economically. In comparison to their competitors I feel Sony don’t feel the need to input as much effort into their advertisements. They seem to focus on sales promotions within shop windows like Game or Game Station. I also feel Sony withdraw from increased advertising as it costs money, and they seem to find leaving their customers without that many details, It might give them an increased chance in regards to buying the console as the negative effects of the product may be unknown until purchased, this is beneficial to Sony as again, more sales mare be generated, thus a potential increase in profits. Pricing Strategies Used Pricing strategies is another word for the structure, and how businesses decide to sell their goods, and depending on these products, the type of pricing may change. Nike, Mercurial Vapor: The first pricing strategy I think Nike use in regards to this specific product happens to be the strategy known as Promotional Pricing. This is where businesses provide offers, and sales on their certain products. And in Nike’s case I believe this is exactly what they do, for example, considering the competition for this variation of product is very high, businesses like Nike have to constantly circulate new products and new Mercurial Football  boots, otherwise, their competitors will receive the upper hand and potentially an increase in customers due to less competition and other competitors not releasing new, updated stock. So, businesses like Nike release new stock/products like Mercurial Football boots in order to maintain their customers interest, therefore a majority of their older stock falls into the category of sales, deals and special offers. For Example: For example, Nike cut down this special type of Mercurial Football boot down from  £55.00 to  £43.00, a  £12.00 price decrease. Nike also follows the pricing strategy of Price Skimming. For example, when Nike first releases a new rendition of the Nike Mercurial Football boot, the price is initially, extremely high. I believe they do this because they know people would pay so much, just to stay up to date and modern in regards to the latest range, I also believe they do this because they know they are going to later decrease the price, therefore they initially sell their products at an extremely high price, just to take advantage of the limited time it’s going to be that price for to ensure they may generate a major profit per unit, thus potentially increasing their sales and overall increasing their profits. For example: The screen shot displayed above represents how much Nike initially release their Mercurial Vapor range at, later this price will decrease as new boot ranges will circulate, and this certain style will eventually go decrease in fashion/popularity. Sony, Play Station 3: The Sony PS3 has been around for around for around 7 – 8 years now, therefore the pricing strategies Sony used may or may not have changed during the products long lasting existence. Over that period of time, the Sony PS3 has been altered, re-mastered and perfected, therefore the pricing has obviously had to be changed, and considering the release of the new PS4, the Sony PS3 price has probably fluctuated at an even greater scale. One of the price  strategies the Sony PS3 withheld was, Price Skimming. Sony needed and has used this strategy due to the products huge market life. In order to generate and receive the most sales/turnover, Sony needed to keep the price as high as they could until something like the PS4 appeared. For example, since its release, the Sony PS3 has maintained a price between  £400  £150, therefore within that 8 year product life bracket, Sony has only cut the pricing down from around  £250, and like I mentioned before, Sony did this in order to generate the highest amount of sales/turnover in order to sustain a substantial amount of profit. Sony have also used the pricing strategy known as promotional pricing, for example, since Sony and their consoles involve features such as buyable accessories and games, Sony seem to release the occasional deal which involves a mix of a variety of games, certain gaming related accessories and obviously, the console itself. These deals appeal to many people as they receive the highly anticipated console as well as many other beneficial features. However, businesses like Sony use these added features in order to boost people’s encouragements as they believe the deal is better than it actually is. This is beneficial to the business as it overall could result into increased sales/profits due to deal prices and bundles potentially being sold for more than the individual console. This then leads me on to my next and final pricing technique, for example, business use the pricing strategy known as Psychological pricing. This is where businesses sell products at a price to deceive customers and trick them into thinking it’s cheaper than what it really amounts to. For example, many businesses sell items ending in 00.99, this is due to it seeming like it’s much cheaper than the price following it, for example, people feel they’ve received a great deal off an item for  £19.99 instead of it being  £20.00, despite it’s one penny less, your eyes deceive you and it seems to look like a much smaller number/price. For example, in regards to Sony, their PS3 has been usually sold at a price ending within 00.99 in order to trick and deceive people, thus causing Sony, to generate an increased amount of money, thus boosting sales and potentially enlarging the business’s profit. For example: As you can see, this certain retailer has applied this strategy on order to generate a increase within each unit sold. This will overall benefit Sony as  more money will be generated within their company, causing them to receive a positive cash flow. Place Nike: Nike is business that specialises within sports apparel and sports related accessories, therefore you will find most Nike goods within common Sports retailers. For example, popular European stores like Sports Direct, JD sports and the Nike shop will supply these related goods as they are all featured within the same business sector – Sporting and Leisure activities. These products produced by Nike are supplied within these stores as Nike is a multinational brand, and it’s becoming increasingly popular, therefore, over the past couple of years, the demand for Nike produce, such as Mercurial Football boots has increased. Because of this, businesses like Sports Direct and JD sports want to sell their goods as Nike will cause them to generate increased profits due to increase popularity of Nike products and increasing demand for the certain stock, supplied by Nike. This is beneficial to both stores, for example, Nike will receive money through the selected stores Nike stock sales as a percentage of this money will be generated and transacted to them, as long as Nike provide these businesses with suitable and updated stock. The only negative I can picture could be the certain percentage of the money Nike might receive, for example, this percentage may be quite low, and therefore it might actually negatively affect Nike as they may spend more money manufacturing and transporting the goods than what they receive in return. Sony, Play station 3: Since Sony and their PS3 is categorized as a gaming entertainment system, the stores that usually sell this product are gaming retailers like, Game, HMV, Game station, and CEX, however, since PS3 became a worldwide product, they have gradually been sold within basic superstores like Tesco, Wall mart, Sainsbury’s, Morrison’s, ASDA and Waitrose. Again, due to the products speculation and overall success, these businesses decided to get in touch with Sony and sell their produce (PS3) as they were certain its success will provide them with increased sales, and overall profits. Many businesses like  Tesco also bought the stock in order for more people to enter their stores, fro example, by increased amounts of people entering a Tesco in search for a PS3, they may buy a certain drink or product provided by Tesco, and because of this Tesco and other superstores selling the PS3 may have also generated increased product/stock sales and well as potential increased profits. Much like the positive effect presented above this will also overall benefit Sony, as an increased amount of businesses wanting to sell their produce, will mean an increase in funding and overall boost in the finances within the organisation as more money will be externally inserted within the company. The only negative again could possibly be an insufficient amount of money to compensate for the immense amount of demands from businesses wanting to sell Sony’s products, however their funding/money should cover it, thus evading this problem and providing Sony with no real negative issue in regards to this problem. Evaluate the marketing techniques used by a selected business Nike: After evaluating and analysing Nike and their Mercurial Vapor football boots, I have resulted in a conclusion, and have formatted my final opinion, on their way of marketing. I personally believe Nike used very smart and successful marketing strategies, as the popularity of their business represents how they have globally attracted people to their brands, and sports apparel. For example, in regards to their Product, I believe the way they’ve dealt with the growing/fast competition really functions well within their business. For example, Nike has adapted and became accustom to bringing out and releasing new products, like football boots every couple of months/year in order to sustain the interest of their customers and target audience. For example, they need to sustain each of their products like the Mercurial Football boots within the growing sector in regards to the product life cycle, until the next brand or style of boot gets released. Without these certain functions, and Nike standardized approach, I doubt the business would be as successful as it has been over the past few years, this certain function has certainly helped Nike achieve success, sales and profits; and these are all very beneficial features within an organisation. Due to these factors, I also believe Nike has breached its customers’ expectations; they have released consistent and fashionable products, much  like the rapid production and competition of football boots, and they are definitely one of the best within their selected sector of Sports and Leisure apparel/equipment. This is why I believe Nike could be regarded as one of the best, if not the best football boot producers/retailers within the world, and I believe they are definitely one of the feared businesses, in regards to their competitors like Adidas, Puma, Umbro, Sondico and Warrior. Secondly, I believe Nike’s Promotional sector is also very effective, for example, as I mentioned previously, I believe the way Nike advertise and present their products is very professional, stylish and smart in regards to their appearance. And because if this, I believe Nike’s target audience is expanded, for example, by appealing to an increased amount of people, Nike’s football boot sales may increase, therefore Nike may even result in an increase within profits; thus benefiting the business further. I also believe Nike conducted their sponsors very professionally and successfully as well. For example, Nike and their range of football boots obtain sponsorship deals with players like Zlatan Ibrahimović and the two time Ballon d’Or winner; Cristiano Ronaldo. I believe these deals have secured Nike’s success, for example, due to players like Ronaldo promoting their produce, an increase amount of people have been encouraged to buy their products , like the Mercurial football boots; thus boosting their sales, revenue and overall, profits. Again, in comparison to their competitors, I believe Nike are the best in their business sector. For example, the way they’ve conducted each commercial, poster or other promotional source, they do it with certain features that I feel provides them with an edge in regards to attracting and generated desiring customers.  Within Nike, I feel their pricing strategies were extremely good / beneficial to the organisation, and I believe, there isn’t any other form of strategy that I would follow, in terms of generating sales, and ultimately profits. For example, I believe the strategies they used were very good, in regards to their products, and how it will function with their target audience/customers. For example, one of the pricing strategies they used was, promotional pricing, this is where business sell their goods by offering certain deals and sales and cutting down the price in order to attract and generate an increased amount of customers. I believe it was  convenient for a business like Nike to use this certain strategy, as the football boot market is very competitive, and new boots will have to be released every couple of months/ year. Because of this, it’s only right if they cut down the price on their other goods by introducing sales, offers and other forms of promotional pricing, in order to attract more customers, and potentially increase sales/profits. Another form of Promotional pricing that Nike conduct is the strategy known as Price skimming. This is where businesses initially release their item at a very high price; however, as it progresses through the product life cycle, this price tends to decrease in order to benefit the business and customers by producing potentially more sales, thus more profits, as well as a cheaper price, therefore increasingly affordable. Again in Nike’s case, this is mainly due to the strong, competitive market. For example, new products like Mercurial football boot s will have to be released, therefore the stock referred to as the old stock will slowly come down in price as new products and goods get released. This will benefit Nike as the cheaper prices could attract more customers, because of this, Nike could face an overall sales increase, and this sales increase could eventually lead to the increase in Nike’s profits. Nike could improve the sales of this by promoting these reductions in such things as Television Adverts or posters, combined with popular retail stores such as Sports Direct. By promoting these reduced offers, more people within their target audience may feel interested to purchase their products, due to this Nike’s sales and overall profit may lead to an increase. Within these advertisements further deals with popular sports personalities such as Cristiano Ronaldo could take place; further promoting these reduced products, ultimately leading to more people having a desire or wanting for these items, resulting in an increase in Nike’s sales and profits. I believe the way Nike sells their produce, like their Mercurial Vapors is very convenient and bene ficial to the organisation. Therefore I believe these certain pricing strategies are very effective and this specific range of marketing techniques are very successful in terms of generating the business with increased sales and overall increased profits. Nike has overcome their competitors by formulating certain schemes to override their opponents and receive increased customers, sales and profits. Like I mentioned previously, to strengthen this, Nike could promote their discounted and reduced prices  even more. For example, since a new style or variation of their products such as Football boots are renewed monthly in order to maintain a controlling position within the Market, a vast amount of their old products are slightly forgotten about in regards to customers and their target audience. Therefore I think it would be highly beneficial to Nike if they compensated more for the promotion of their older products with reduced prices as it could overall increase the sales of their business, and ultimately lead to increase publicity. More people would be interested to purchase these promoted items with reduced prices, creating a larger attraction to the Company (Nike) and its products, either new or old. Further promotional materials with sports personalities would also help solidify their position, as certain sporting figures may attract a larger audience to their business, increasing the publicity and knowledge of their products; this would be highly beneficial to Nike as it may result in increased sales, ultimately leading to an increase within profits, further benefiting the organisation. However, if I had to make one improvement I would say the pace at which the company skims the prices off its products. For example, many times I have been looking at popular football boots and noticed how the prices are extraordinarily high. For example, popular football boots promoted by famous athletes sometimes cost over  £200. For children, and sometimes adults, this type of money to compensate is nearly impossible, or considered a â€Å"waste†. This high price may result in push factors for people in search for the adequate balance I regards to sporting goods such as football boots, people will look for price, fitting and appearance; and if the price is high, it may deter people from purchasing it, ultimately reducing Nike’s sales, potentially leading to a decrease in profits. By increasing the rate at which these products are reduced, and shortening the period they are sold at a very high price for, more people may be attracted to buying and using the product, thus promoting the business’s content furthermore, and ultimately leading to an increase in profits due to increased customers and sales. Lastly, within the marketing sector, comes the section known as Place. This basically refers to where the products are actually sold. For example, for Nike this is the common sports retailers like Sports Direct, JD sports and  more. This encourages greater sales as the product is widely available. For example, it would be common to provide businesses who have generated success, prior to you letting them sell your specific items. Therefore, it was only beneficial for businesses like Nike to sell their good to businesses like Sports Direct who are very successful and have generated an array of customers in search for products like Nike’s Mercurial football boots. This will benefit them as the business’s success could potentially mean, more people might purchase Nike’s products, like their Mercurial Vapors, therefore Nike would benefit as they could potentially result in an increase within profits, and sales. Another way Nike may be able to improve the promotion and success of their sporting related goods could be the increase in personal customization, for example, many people buy and purchase products such as football boots to stand out within their selected sport, by allowing your customers to personalize a product, catered to their wants and desires will enable an increased level of individuality. For example, this customisation technique may allow people to feature their own personal initials and colour combinations on their selected Nike products. Also, this certain function should not only be introduced via the internet, but also via located outlets. This would enable people and customers to receive a visual on how their selected product would appear. Certain physical features such as a wider Nike product customisation would potentially lead an increased amount of customers, for example, like I mentioned previously, within their selected sports, people want to stand out, in order t o attract attention or an increased chance of remembrance. Therefore, by allowing people to customize their personal products whether it is tops, shoes, boots, shorts or even tennis rackets, a wider audience may be attracted. Ultimately this may increase Nike’s sales, leading to an increase in their overall profits. The only recommendation for Nike, in my opinion would be if they were to provide more promotional pricing methods in order to prevent certain items falling into a decline, for example, due to the high competition within the market in regards to football boots, they have to release new boots, every couple of months, therefore the â€Å"older† boots decline in price and popularity quickly. In order to prevent this, I think Nike should increase the amounts of offers within their football boot range; this will potentially increase sales and even boost profits as an  increased amount of people would be encouraged to purchase Nike’s products due to the falling/cheaper prices. Again this will benefit the business as more money could be generated, and this could possibly mean Nike may sell more, thus increasing their overall sales.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct and Indirect Speech Direct and Indirect Speech Cartoon Strip Eureka Phonica Eureka Phonica Eureka Do you know that what has been said can be stated in two ways direct speech and indirect speech? Direct speech means the exact words that have been spoken. Indirect speech means what is said is stated in our own words, so it differs somewhat from what was actually said. When the speech changes from direct to indirect, the tense, person and adverb may change. Indirect speech is presented in the form of an assertive sentence. Four kinds of sentences are presented in direct speech assertive, interrogative, commands and requests and exclamatory. The reporting verbs also change, depending on the kind of sentence. Launch Pad In this chapter, we shall learn how to interchange direct and indirect speech Taking Off Note to Teacher As direct and indirect speech has already been taught prepare flash cards with a sentence in direct speech on one side and the same sentence in indirect speech on the other side. Example : 1) Baiju said, I am going home. 2) Baiju said that he was going out. Divide the class into pairs and provide 2 flash cards to each group. Student A will read out the sentence in direct speech to student B. Student B will change the speech. Student A will turn the card over and check whether the sentence is correct. If it is correct, Student B will score one point. Each pair can exchange their cards with other pairs and score more points. Tell them that we can state what has been said in two ways direct speech and indirect speech. We can state what people have said in two ways. We can state the exact words that were spoken. This is known as direct speech Example : Happy birthday, Ronita ! said the children. Why do you wish to consult me? asked the lawyer. Give me an explanation right now, demanded her father. I will have to set out tomorrow, said Marco Polo. Or We can state what was said in our own words. This is known as indirect speech or reported speech. Example: The children greeted Ronita on her birthday. The lawyer wanted to know why I wished to consult him. Her father demanded an explanation right then. Marco Polo said that he would have to set out the next day. Direct Speech Points to Note The exact words of the speaker are placed within double inverted commas. A comma is placed immediately before the quoted words. Depending on the kind of sentence the end mark is a full stop, a question mark or a mark of exclamation. The first word within quotation marks begins with a capital letter. Assertive Sentences Read the following sentences: Ram said, I am reading this book. Ram said that he was reading that book. Changes take place in the person ( I changes to he), tense (am reading changes to was reading) and adverb (this changes to that) when the speech changes from direct to indirect. said to changes to told. Example: He said to his sister, You can buy the gift. He told his sister that she could buy the gift. If a universal truth is stated in direct speech, the tense does not change in reported speech. Example: She said, Honey is sweet. She said that honey is sweet. If the reporting verb is in the present tense in indirect speech, the reported speech is also in the present tense. Example: He says, The old house seems to be haunted. He says that the old house seems to be haunted. If the verb in direct speech is in the simple past tense, the verb in reported speech also remains in the simple past tense. Example: She said, I went home. She said that she went home. If the verb in direct speech is in the past tense and the time of action is mentioned, the verb changes to past perfect tense in reported speech. Example: She said, I went home at midnight. She said that she had gone home at midnight. Changes in adverbs are as follows: Direct speech Indirect speech now then here there this that these those ago before thus so today that day yesterday the day before/ the previous day tomorrow the next/ following day tonight that night last week the previous week/ the week before here there next week the following week Info Orbit When an assertive sentence changes from direct to indirect there are changes in the person, tense and adverb. The comma after said is replaced with that. said to changes to told. If a universal truth is stated in reported speech the tense does not change If the reporting verb is in the present tense, the tense in reported speech does not change. If the past tense is used in the reported speech in direct speech, it will remain unchanged in indirect speech. If the past tense is used in reported speech in direct speech and the time of the action is mentioned, the simple past tense will change to past perfect tense Practice Pulsars I. Change from direct to indirect speech: There is no need to leave tonight, she said to her friend. He said, The sun is shining brightly. She said to her father, I know you are angry with me.† The scientist said, They will conduct experiments in this laboratory. The princess said to the minister, We have to reach a decision tomorrow. The teacher said to the class, All of you are aware that the earth moves round the sun. Every morning my father says, It is a new day and I am thankful to be alive. Mother said , Today may be a very hot day . He said to me, I am reminding you that time and tide wait for none. The coach said, At this time, next week, the result of the match will be declared. II. Change from indirect to direct The captain told his men that they must not underestimate the enemy. Taruna said that she had no idea how the accident had taken place the previous evening. Usri told the children that all that glitters is not gold. Ginny said that long, long ago there was a continent called Atlantis. Raman said that the following day he would sit down with them and make a plan. The milkman told the lady that the milk was watery as the cow had drunk a lot of water that morning. She says that fifteen minutes of meditation every morning keeps her calm for the rest of the day. Mrs Das told her neighbour that she had gone to Kolkata two years before. Vinita said that those photographs were more precious than gold to her. Old Mrs Vincent was of the opinion that a house was better than a flat. Interrogative sentences When questions are changed to reported speech, the word order becomes the same as that of an assertive sentence. Example: Karan said, When will the match begin? Karan asked when the match would begin. The reporting verb in reported speech is asked, inquired or inquired of, wanted to know etc. Example: Savita said, Where is Peter? Savita asked where Peter was. or Savita inquired where Peter was. Damien said to Rahul, Are you absolutely sure? Damien wanted to know if Rahul was absolutely sure. or Damien inquired of Rahul if he was absolutely sure. Flash tip :1. said changes to asked or inquired. said to changes to asked or inquired of. 2. enquired/ enquired of may be used instead of inquired/inquired of. If the question can be answered with yes or no, if or whether follows the reporting verb. Example: Rama said, Can I use that pen? Rama asked if she could use that pen. If the question cannot be answered with yes or no, the reporting verb is followed by question words like when, what, which, where and how. Example: Rama said, When did this happen? Rama asked when it happened. There are changes in the person, tense and adverbs just like in the assertive sentences. Info Orbit When questions are changed to reported speech, the word order becomes the same as that of an assertive sentence. The reporting verb in reported speech is asked, inquired or inquired of, wanted to know etc. If the question can be answered with yes or no, if or whether follows the reporting verb. If the question cannot be answered with yes or no, the reporting verb is followed by question words like when, what, which, where and how. Practice Pulsar III. Change the speech Damini said, Can you explain the sum now? Rajiv asked Poonam, What are these stacks of paper for? Have you enjoyed yourselves today? said the instructor. Minu inquired, Tom, why are you packing your bag? The children said, Will you take us to the zoo next week? He said, How much further do we have to travel? She asked whether they were ready to go for a walk that evening. Shyam asked me why I was laughing so much. Fanny wanted to know who lived in the old house on the hill. The headman asked if anyone had worked for that company a year back. The detective enquired of the witness if he had seen the man in the photograph. Akhilesh wished to know how many of his classmates would go for a picnic. Commands and Requests Read the given sentences: 1.She said, Please tie your seat belt. She requested me to tie my seatbelt. 2. She said, Buy the necessities before the sun sets. She ordered him to buy the necessities before the sun set. 3. She said, Let us organise a party. She suggested that they should organise a party. The reporting verb is requested, told, asked, suggested etc. The main verb in direct speech changes to an infinitive in indirect speech. tie in sentence 1 changes to to tie, and buy in sentence 2 changes to to buy. Even when the person who is being addressed is not mentioned in direct speech, we have to mention the person in indirect speech. Example : He said, Please sit down. He requested her to sit down. When the direct speech begins with let, the reporting verb changes to suggested and the main verb is preceded by should in reported speech. In sentence 3 organise changes to should organise. Info Orbit The reporting verb is requested, told, asked, suggested etc. The main verb in direct speech changes to an infinitive in indirect speech. Even when the person who is being addressed is not mentioned in direct speech, we have to mention the person in indirect speech. When the direct speech begins with let, the reporting verb changes to suggested and the main verb is preceded by should in reported speech. Practice Pulsar IV. Change the speech: Keep the vase on the table, Sima, she said. Make sure that you have enough water, the guide said. Please do not make so much noise, said the official to the visitors. Let us clean the compound, said the monitor. Switch off the fans and lights before you leave, he said. Kindly contribute generously, said the child at the door. She ordered the children to cross the road cautiously. They requested us to wait for a few hours before lodging a complaint. The man told us to take a right turn to reach the bakery. We suggested to the old people that they should visit the orphanage once a week. The officer ordered the men to take up their positions. He requested her to take off her shoes outside the temple. Exclamations and Exclamatory Sentences Read the given sentences: He said, Alas! I have lost everything. He exclaimed in sorrow that he had lost everything. The reporting verb said in direct speech changes to exclaimed in reported speech. The emotion that is expressed by the exclamation in direct speech is stated in reported speech. So Alas! is replaced by exclaimed in sorrow. She said, How hot the day is! She exclaimed that the day was very hot. When an exclamatory sentence in direct speech begins with How or What, it is usually replaced with very in reported speech. Info Orbit The reporting verb said in direct speech changes to exclaimed in reported speech. The emotion that is expressed by the exclamation in direct speech is stated in reported speech. Practice Pulsar V. Change the speech He said, Hurrah! I have won the lottery. She said, What a pretty little girl you are! The lady said, What a fool I have been! He said, Oh! This is the best car I have seen. He said, O God! Forgive me for what I have done. The teacher congratulated him, saying that he had done very well. Wendy exclaimed that the bed was very comfortable. Madan exclaimed in joy that he was free at last. The jackal exclaimed that the crow had a very sweet voice. Ms Parekh exclaimed in grief that her brother was responsible for his own downfall. Ellen exclaimed that the weather was very chilly. Brendan exclaimed that it was a great pity that they had missed the show. Word Zoomer Reported Speech : Indirect speech is also known as reported speech. When direct speech changes to reported speech usually the first and second person change to the third person, the present tense changes to the past tense and the adverbs showing nearness in time and position are replaced by adverbs that show distance in time and position. Direct Speech : The words that are actually said. These are placed within quotation marks. Reporting verb : The verb that introduces direct speech or reported speech. For e.g. said, exclaimed, asked, whispered, requested and commanded. Touch Down When assertive sentences in direct speech are changed to indirect speech there are changes in the person, tense and adverb. the comma after said is replaced with that. said to changes to told. if a universal truth is stated in reported speech the tense does not change if the reporting verb is in the present tense, the tense in reported speech does not change. if the past tense is used in the reported speech in direct speech, it will remain unchanged in indirect speech. if the past tense is used in reported speech in direct speech and the time of the action is mentioned, the simple past tense will change to past perfect tense When interrogative sentences in direct speech are changed to indirect speech the word order becomes the same as that of an assertive sentence. the reporting verb in reported speech is asked, inquired or inquired of, wanted to know etc. if the question can be answered with yes or no, if or whether follows the reporting verb. if the question cannot be answered with yes or no, the reporting verb is followed by question words like when, what, which, where and how. When requests and commands in direct speech are changed to indirect speech the reporting verb is requested, told, asked, suggested etc. the main verb in direct speech changes to an infinitive in indirect speech. even when the person who is being addressed is not mentioned in direct speech, we have to mention the person in indirect speech. when the direct speech begins with let, the reporting verb changes to suggested and the main verb is preceded by should in reported speech. When exclamations and exclamatory sentences are changed to indirect speech the reporting verb said in direct speech changes to exclaimed in reported speech. the emotion that is expressed by the exclamation in direct speech is stated in reported speech. Flash tip : The shortest letters are said to have been exchanged between Victor Hugo and his publisher. When Les Miserables was released Victor Hugo wanted to know if it was well-received or not, so he sent a letter to his publisher with only ? written on it. The publishers response also consisted of a single punctuation mark ! Star Exercise I. Each of the following sentences contains an error. Correct the sentences. Rani said to Praveen that she would go over to his house that day. Brinda said that it was almost ten o clock now. She asked that if the bakers boy had delivered the bread. Sandeep said that the earth was round. Mohan said, Sandeep you are absolutely right. Deepa said, How cute the puppies look. Anand said You can leave the room now. Do not look so sad, said my friend. II. Read the dialogue given below and fill in the blanks: Akram Nibha Akram Nibha Akram Nibha Why are you looking so worried? My father has been transferred to a new place. Dont you want to go with him? I do, but I shall miss all my friends. What a lucky girl you are ! You will be seeing a new place and making new friends. I am feeling much better. Thank you. Akram asked Nibha (1) .. Nibha replied that her father (2).. Akram then inquired if (3) . with him. Nibha said that she did, but (4) Akram exclaimed that (5) . because she would be seeing (6) Nibha thanked him because (7) .. Comet Exercise Choose the correct alternative Shalini and Malini were twins. One day, while taking a walk Shalini said, I dont think (1. we have taken the right path / we had taking the right path/ we had taken the right path). Malini looked around and found nothing wrong. Why had Shalini made such a comment? She felt that her sister (2. has made a mistake /had made a mistake /is making a mistake.) Shalini pointed to a tree. (3.What do you have to say about it? / What did she have to say about it?/ What did you have to say about it? ) Malini (4.asked/exclaimed/ told) that it was (5. a very huge tree/ very huge trees/ a huge tree). Shalini sighed, You lack observation powers. We walk here every day. Have you seen it before? Malini answered, No, I have not. ( 6.I think we took a wrong turning / I am thinking we took a wrong turning/ I have thought we took a wrong turning) near the bazaar. Shalini (7.asked/ requested/ exclaimed) an old man (8. if he can help them / if he could help them / whether he could helps them). The old man guided them back and (9. advised/ commanded/ requested) them to be careful in future. Shalini and Malini assured him that (10. yes/ they would be more careful/ they will be more careful).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Ethical Dilemmas In Uae Animal Testing Philosophy Essay

Ethical Dilemmas In Uae Animal Testing Philosophy Essay Animal testing has been eliciting continuous criticism in the past and at present. Concerning animals being used for research purposes, the concentration is focused on whether man has got any right to use them for testing and whether it is a necessity. Ethically, animal testing criticized through focus on the suffering animals are subjected to during experiments. In spite of this animal testing is also regarded as beneficial as it facilitates medical breakthrough via invention of cures and treatment procedures. The benefits offer grounds for justification of business rights in the field of animal testing. Animal Testing in UAE The UAE government in the year 2005 prepared the scene for the introduction of animal testing in Dubai under the Dubai Biotechnology and Research Park Foundation. The project was geared to enable Dubai to attain its 2010 vision of being a city with booming economy based on technological research. To achieve this, UAE ventured in to the biotechnology research and development and manufacturing business. The UAE Biotechnology majorly deals with research on medicine, genetics and stem cell. All this progress requires to a great extend the employment of animals so as to ensure the success of the project. With the government channeling a lot of resources towards the same, the argument for the government to withdraw from the same to uphold animal rights is likely to be unsuccessful. This research has also opened trade opportunities for UAE. The government has linked with other nations and business partners to ensure the supply of the required resources and delivery of end products to the ma rkets. There are no strict regulations restricting animal testing in Asian countries unlike in western countries like the UK but only activists of animal rights advocate for a check to the practice (Animal Testing in Asia, 2011). For instance, cases of cruelty on animals have been rampant but the perpetrators go unpunished due to government laxity on the matter. It is known that a law forbidding animal cruelty has long been drafted and approved by UEA government but the same has not been effected (UAE animal cruelty law, 2007). In essence, the UAE government to a great extend encourages animal testing activities which are regarded to be against ethics and morality. The campaign against animal testing is not welcomed by business activists and scientists who claim that it is not possible to ban animal testing on medical procedures and medicines. They argue that research must go on and if use of animals is banned, then man will be used for the researches. The use of humans in research proves to be fatal and could not be welcomed in the society on the base of ethics. Societal attitudes have played a role in low regard of animal rights in the context of testing. The UAE society is markedly a society with a lot of cases of animal cruelty and this reflects the reluctance to uphold animal rights. There has been an increase in reported cases of vicious deeds against animals over the recent past with pets being hanged, shot, or even drowned in acid (Gulf News, 2011). This goes on to imply the society would be unpertu rbed by animal testing which might seem as too humane to the affected animals. Animals Commonly Used In Testing Animals are used for various testing on various aspects of human life. Rabbits and guinea pigs for instance are used for cosmetics testing on shampoos, household products and body lotion for they are docile and easy to maintain where medicinal testing is carried on them to identify their toxicity. Rats and mice on the side are used for testing the genetic makeup of man and other features. Dogs are used in applied medical sciences on studies dealing with cancer, lung research, veterinary medicine, orthopedic, microbiology and in analyzing the toxicity of preservatives, chemicals, drugs and additives. Pigs are used in researching for heart diseases and cats on studies pertaining to neurology (Sengupta, 2011). The outcome of all these studies is of great importance to humans and this justifies more research in the path of saving mankind. Suffering caused to Animals Since testing is unnatural to the animals, they suffer in certain ways that they could not be suffering. Genetic manipulation for instance has led to the creation of mice with Huntingtons disease, diabetic mice and obese mice. Moreover, surgical experiments can be performed on larger animals for the practice of human surgery such as on pigs, sheep and dogs (Wise, 2004). Were it not for the animal testing, all these suffering subjected to animals could not be. However, finding the right information concerning the activity of animal testing firms in the Middle East can be so challenging given that those involved are capable of manipulating the information in media reports pertaining to animal testing. Agitators against animal testing argue that there are no valuable benefits derived from animal experiment which can justify the use of animals for the various experiments on issues pertaining to man (Lynch, 1987). Therefore, animal testing is not ethically right given that animals are subjected too much suffering during the research experiment. To make matters worse, some of these animals used for research are purposely bred for the research and their existence is viewed as research oriented. The animals in this case are bred by researchers, for their use and hence any sufferings directed to them are seen as falling within the right of the researchers. The worst problem of all is that human beings treat animals in the way that deem fit for they consider themselves as the dominant species on earth. In so doing, less attention is focused on whether it is ethically right or morally right to cause suffering to animals as long as the outcome is beneficial to man. Moreover, the motive of a nimal testing has brought great debate. Those who oppose the experiments base their argument on the fact that most studies are designed to enhance cosmetic testing rather the advancement of medical science all which are geared to boost business (Wise, 2004). One point used for faulting animal testing is its ineffectiveness in spite of the suffering. Animal testing has not been reliable in the recent past and thus the results obtained may not be extrapolated reliably to man. Furthermore, animal testing does not produce the side effects of the drugs such as hallucination and headache in animals which are common once clinical trials are conducted in man. Consequently, it is not ethical for tests such as LD 50 tests, cosmetic testing, and teaching and military defense tests being conducted on animals for they add no value to the life of man. Commercial Value of Testing In business world in the UAE, animal testing is seen as a necessity and of great significance both in academics and scientific testing. The cosmetics and pharmaceuticals companies are enabled to easily conduct animal testing than human clinical tests by the Food and Drug Administration and this enhances the process of making huge amounts of money. This is due to the fact that majority of human consumer industries such as drugs, food and cosmetics do rely on animal industry heavily as they sell their products and in turn enable these animal testing industries to earn huge returns (Sarah, 2009). In addition, the development of useful products and materials is deemed to surpass the suffering inflicted on animals which are sacrificed for these very purpose especially in the Middle East where vivisection of animals do take place. In addition, animal testing has been emphasized due to the fact that there are no available alternatives which can guarantee the elimination of animals in these testing. This situation is repulsive to people after protection of animals for they consider this activity as ethically and morally wrong. This forms an ethical dilemma due to the fact that as one group is busy supporting a process another is fighting the same. The major concern of those fighting for animals rights is the fact that there are companies dealing in the practice of supplying and breeding of animals for bioscience industry and scientific community for purposes of research and development. As these business men view this as an opportunity of making profits, they in turn breed millions of animals which are killed for purposes of experiment. This implies, for instance, that large numbers of mice are killed even though the animal welfare does not allow records concerning mice to be kept. Justification for Animal Testing The application of animal testing is ethical when applied in the field of medical science. This enables researchers in the field of medicine to come up with drugs which are effective and also ensure surgery or operation undertaken on human beings to be safe. New researchers and medical practitioners orient themselves in the field of medicine and surgery first with big animals which have near functionality like that of man, such as pigs and sheep. Additionally, testing on animals is ethical than testing on human volunteers especially in areas where the research may appear to be fatal. The business rights in the aspect of animal testing are derived from the fact that it is the right of say physiologists to study life. This involves the study of the multitude of processes that makes a living thing; from the functioning of the membrane channel, the hemodynamic of the heart, and the integrative events of the brain and electrical activity of the heart particularly in the Middle East animal industry. The physiologists view this feature as an obligation to them where they consider both the theoretical part and later test their hypothesis practically through the animal experiments. In view of the fact that the process is concerned with understanding life processes, the testing is thus to be conducted in living organisms from cells to the whole living organism and this includes animals and even human beings. Nevertheless, this has raised many ethical issues which leave one in an ethical dilemma of whether animal experiment must be in part performed on animals or on man. This is due to the fact that effective tests are based on perturbing the normal functioning of an organism and on controlled interventions so as to discover the functional genomics. Back to the ethical issue, we tend to analyze if at all we have the right of conducting such experiments which not only interfere with the life of living organisms but also inflicts pain, suffering and even the risk of death (Wise, 2004). Thus, the basic ethical dilemma arises in respect to whether it is right and justifiable for us to indulge in the physiological experiments that are in the interests of scientists which harm the interests of living beings or whether we should refrain from such scientific studies. The justification of animal testing does not end exclusively with the industry and scientific community, but is also based on societys consumption of animal food. Consumption is regarded as oppressive to the animals like research is. This aspect is well revealed on the part of business people who consider it their right to indulge in the practice of trading animal products, whether for research or consumption. Therefore, the parties involved in animal testing argue that as it is thought right for animal products to be consumed, testing on them is also no big issue and thus consider themselves both morally and ethically right when indulging in such practices. Legislation on Animal Testing Governments involvement in either supporting animal testing or working against the same is realized through laid down legislations. The Animal Welfare Act which was passed in the year 1966 apparently requires those companies dealing with the treating of animals to treat these animals with a maximum degree of humaneness thus fostering the animals rights in the long run. Despite the presence of the legislation intended to protect animals being in place the activity of inhumane animal testing has continued to be more rampant. Little has been done in the field of legislation concerning animal use in science for it only excludes any use of animals in the industry for profit purposes. Furthermore, the most conflicting things of this all is the fact that the firms dealing with animal testing are the ones responsible for funding the Biomedical Research and other centers for consumer freedom. This presents an ethical dilemma due to the fact that these animal testing firms spent huge amount of funds in purposeful research and their elimination would mean an end to the research. This therefore makes it hard for the government to close such firms for, by research funding, they play a big role in the growth of the economy. Ethical Dilemmas The key supporters of animal rights argue that even animals are subjects of life and thus are entitled to their rights. They hence call for the adoption of vegetarian diet and abolition of the animal testing or consumption of animal products which has been considered as morally important. The movement against animal testing was able to bring to an end the activity involving nerve stimulation in monkeys in 1985. The animal rights refers to equal consideration in the sense that the interests of animals are met, given that animals have the capacity to suffer both physically and mentally, they should be set free from harm and or suffering caused by human beings intentionally. Some companies in the UAE have come up with strategies aimed at discouraging animal testing. According to Lush (2011), the company does not buy products from companies that commission tests on animals. This brings out the collision of business rights against animal rights. On one side the potential suppliers of this company would feel justified to commission tests on animals while on the other side; they are excluded for disrespecting animal rights. Another ethical issue is the respect for life where man must respect the will and life of other living beings by always being responsible for their wellbeing. Though this aspect is true, it is also ethically right for man to use animals for purposes of biomedical research, food and labor. Businessmen have the right of indulging in such activities that deals with animal products or their usage to earn income (Orlans, 1998). This however brings us to an ethical dilemma given that even those who oppose the move, the animal and antivivisection activists have their right of protecting these animals. A deadlock is thus reached when neither party is willing to compromise on its stand. The fact that mostly, the ethical standards set when using human are different from the standards set when animals are used for testing also raises some ethical issues. Respect for life ought to be the guiding principle for physiological research and this necessitates ethical rules for animals which are similar to those set for human beings. This will help in coming up with rules of what should be done and what should be left out during the experiment. Thus, this calls for researchers to be responsible for their acts thus solving the major ethical dilemma facing man especially when testing physiological theories. Although this principle of respect for life is too general, animals have the right to their own life and as thus man should not do with them as they please. In essence, the advocators of animals rights argue against any use of animal or their products. Man is therefore obliged to uphold moral obligation whereby he should not cause any unnecessary pain or suffering and distre ss to animals. Given that the use of animal testing has been considered unethical, non animal testing should be done. Animals also do have their rights which ought to be protected. Among these rights is the enriched environment whereby the environment in which the animals are confined to is full of things to satisfy the animals species specific needs. This is meant to promote the well being of the animals. Refinement should be undertaken and the discomfort decreased through the provision of necessary anesthesia, care and analgesia. In addition, the animal is entitled to euthanize which is intended to prevent unnecessary suffering to animals through improvement of experimental procedures and determination of a humane end point (Wise, 2004). The future of animal testing is rather promising. This is due to the fact that developments are on the way of coming up with other new alternatives for the use of animals for testing. Technological advancement in the world today has led more research which was once conducted on vivisection to be done on other fields such as computer modeling, improved statistical design, synthetic skin and lastly the Murine Local Lymph Node Assay (MLNA). In addition, the non animal testing methods have proved to be relevant and viable for it encourages a realistic consideration of rather ethical and scientific issues involved in the replacement of animals in medical experiments for non animals. This can be well elaborated by three Rs which are: Refinement, Reduction and Replacement where suffering and distress are minimized in animals. Refinement is necessary given that some tests cannot be conducted in the absence of animals which must be there so as to offer the necessary results required. Reduction of the number of animals is also relevant and lastly is Replacement whereby much emphasis is laid in trying to replace the animals with other non animal resources for research. Furthermore, the fact that animal testing helps in the identification of cures for most incurable diseases, the fight against it in whole does not augur well. One is left to wonder on what discouraging animal testing would do on the struggle towards life saving and what should actually be done towards the attainment of the cures. Business people dealing in animal products daily continue to get more markets for cosmetics and household products derived from animals (Singer, 1990). One is left to wonder which side to support even as he tries to consider both sides. In terms of ethical dilemmas, there is a real battle between the supporters of animal rights and the supporters of business rights. For businessmen, they are to maximize their supply due to expansion of the market of their products and in so doing more animals products are to be involved. The rights of businesses is seen as a threat to the animal population given that the number of animals being employed in the process will increase leaving no room for any development to be done towards the fight for animal rights. One is therefore left to wonder which of the two groups is in the right, for both have their own right which must be respected at all cost, hence an ethical dilemma. When seeking treatment for chronic diseases such as cancer, asthma among others, the animal testing proves to be very essential. The research helps in the identification of the possible cures for the disease. Typically, the research tends to be beneficial to both animals and man. The identification of a drug for certain diseases can be of mutual benefit given that human and animals have got some commonness. Thus, although it appears to be ethically wrong to use animals in testing, it is also regarded ethical when the finding is used for the benefits of animals also. This forms another ethical dilemma for those opposed to animal testing given that the process or research appears to be fulfilling on either side. The proper moral treatment that can be directed to animals is allowing them to possess certain features such as sentience, cognitive capacities, sociability, capacity to flourish and possession of life. The ethical aspect here is arrived when one is in the process of discovering the level of injury inflicted on either animals or man. To some, it is ethically right for research which is conducted on animals such as a mouse for it helps in ascertaining the safety of important chemicals. This chemical is further considered to be of great importance for it is a trade commodity that has high demand in society. The major struggle in this part is in the definition of the limit on moral grounds. According to animal rights activists they argue that animals are experimented mostly out of the curiosity of scientists. They chop, starve or burn them so as to maybe yield something that could be of benefit to human. Some of these experiments could only be right if conducted on cases which do not have alternatives. The campaigns are therefore on the ways of minimizing harm on these creatures and safeguard benefits derived from these experiments. Further discussion brought forward is that although animals lives deserve some respect, the respect is not comparable to those deserved by human lives. The introduction of vaccines, new surgical techniques, artificial limbs and organs and new cancer therapies are as a result of animal testing (Orlans, 1998). Thus, human welfare must be dealt with first than focusing so much attention on animals. The argument for or against animal testing can be settled after a careful consideration of the goals of the research and on whether there is a great probability of success in the experiment. Once this has been obtained, a close focus should be on the animal being used for the experiment and the possible effect presented in the question thereof. This necessitates deeper analysis of these factors that helps in the identification of the need for the testing in order to identify the relevance of the research. If the study is seen to be of great significance to society at large, with less negative effects on the animals in question, then the research can be conducted. But before that, the possible alternatives present instead of animals should be presented so as to protect their interest and to guard against adverse human actions. Despite all these considerations being put in place, coming up with a concrete conclusion on the matter is not easy given that each party possesses different pe rception in respect to ones leaning (Lynch, 1987). The aspect of ethics has been left on the hands either advocates and they are the ones who are to decide on what is moral. This leaves us in an ethical dilemma for we are torn between which side to follow in the argument towards morality and ethics in animal testing. Animal testing has all along been implemented in order to obtain treatments and vaccines for the purposes of benefiting man and to some extent those animals which are beneficial to man. Researchers in the field harm as many animals as required to find treatments and procedures. Animal testing has resulted to major breakthroughs in the medical field and in case this stops due to animal rights then further developments in the fields will be compromised. The animal testing is viewed as a way of extending human life even though millions of animals are being killed yearly for the purpose of the same. The big question is what about the lives of animals. Are they also not important to deserve protection from pain, suffering and even unnecessary deaths? Focusing on both arguments one comes to a conclusion that all the two parties are right and that something must be done in the middle of this conflict in order to solve this ethical dilemma. Lastly, coming to firm conclusion of what is right and what is wrong in this field of animal testing is all together a difficult decision. Animal rights activists are right to fight for the welfare of animals and are the business rights activists who are for the use of animals in their experiments so as to save mankind and other non human species. Thus, the issue of animal testing is a most challenging ethical dilemma in the present world. Alternatives to animal testing to be implemented today and in the future includes; human clinical tests, in-vitro tests, computer software, animal parts and to some small extend animals especially where alternatives are not applicable. Alternatives to animal testing researches should be conducted to pave way for more advanced technology for use in finding solutions especially pertaining to human welfare. Conclusion In conclusion, animal testing poses ethical dilemma given that the research is morally and ethically unacceptable. On the other hand doing away with the research which proves to be of mutual benefits to both man and animals is untenable. This is because the research involving animals is ethically right especially when the benefits outweigh the costs and when all possible steps are being implemented to reduce suffering to animals. In summary, human do conduct tests on animals simply because they can and not out the fact that it is right for them to do so. The future of animal testing can however be based in the three Rs campaigns which are Reduction, Refinement and Replacement. This will ensure that the total number of animals used for the research is reduced, the suffering being minimized and animals are to a great extent replaced by non animals.