Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Research Assignment 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research Assignment 3 - Essay Example e College in Massachusetts admits only women in their college while Marymount Manhattan College in New York and Wheaton College in Massachusetts accept both men and women in their college. Women-only colleges like Barnard College and Mount Holyoke College design a curriculum that would uplift the competence of women. Both of these colleges value preservation of the school as a women’s university. As Barnard College is affiliated with the Columbia University and Mount Holyoke College with the â€Å"Seven Sisters,† students were given the opportunity to take classes easily in either of the affiliated schools. I noticed that these colleges value the beauty of scenery, probably because women value the aesthetic nature. Barnard and Mount Holyoke colleges maintain their own faculty, endowment, governance, and curriculum with distinguished competitive performance among other co-educational schools. Meanwhile, co-educational schools such as Marymount Manhattan College and Wheaton College consider diversity in their curriculum. Women are viewed in equal parity and importance just like men. Liberal arts curriculums of both colleges tend to enhance the leadership skills of both men and women. Since curriculums are directed towards diversity, women’s interests are viewed equal to men’s interests. With these, I think that women’s only colleges advance the interests of women more than co-educational colleges. Bank (2011) stated that women-only colleges put women in the center of its mission, can make women achieve and hold high expectations, make women feel important, provide more opportunities for women to engage in leadership opportunities, and prioritize the women in the curriculum than those of co-educational colleges (p.

Monday, October 28, 2019

College Education Essay Example for Free

College Education Essay It’s important to get a college education not only to be successful in the future but also to think for yourself and gain freedom through education, we can accomplish this by being educated liberally. Like Cronon, I think â€Å"a liberal education is about gaining the power and wisdom, the generosity and the freedom to connect† (Cronon; paragraph 18) to the real world. Finding a purpose to attend college should go beyond college itself, you should be motivated to learn something you have a passion for and will actually use and apply it to the world. †Truly educated people love learning, but they love wisdom more† (Cronon para 15). When learning you are just recycling information that the educators teach you just like Freire’s â€Å"banking system† but wisdom is what you incorporate to the â€Å"real world† and it is what is most valued than just being educated and not apply what you learned with other things. In my opinion liberal thinkers or people who are liberally educated want to be able to progress in life and not just do what they are told to do. They want to be able to think for themselves and come up with their own ideas. Liberal educated people want to â€Å"leave the world a better place than they had found it† (Cronon para 17). It takes wisdom and education to leave the world a better place than how it was before because it’s not an easy thing to do in a life time. Liberalists want to progress no just to benefit them but to benefit everyone else as well and I think they can accomplish this by using their wisdom and their college education. The way I see the banking system is that the educators are selfish because they only teach to their own convenience and they don’t let the receivers think for themselves. The receivers then don’t make any progress in life due to the fact that they are so used to just following the rules that are given to them by the educators. Liberal education is not like that. â€Å"Liberally educated people understand they belong to a community-and help that community flourish by making the success of others possible† (Cronon para 18). Liberalists want to succeed and want to see others succeed as well. â€Å"Liberal education must be that the freedom of the individual is possible only in a free community† (Cronon para18). When having the freedom you can think for yourself and not have others think for you like in a banking system and I personally think as well as Cronon explains that the only possible way to be gain freedom is by being liberally educated that way you learn to think for yourself and be able to be part of a free community. What is the whole point of going to college and get an education and when you graduate you will have no idea how to apply it or connect it to the real world. â€Å"Being an educated person means being able to see connections that allow one to make sense of the world and act within it in creative ways† (Cronon para 19). What’s the whole point of paying so much money for a college education if at the end you won’t know how to apply what you learned in college in the real world? If you don’t know how to apply things learned in college to the real world then you won’t be successful in the future and you practically gained no power or wisdom throughout your whole college education. Being educated can help you succeed in life and in the future if you know how to apply everything you learned in college to the real world once you graduate and help you and others succeed in your community and the real world. By being liberal educated can help you not only succeed in life but it can also help you gain freedom.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

An Analysis of Up in Michigan Essay -- Up in Michigan Essays

An Analysis of Up in Michigan My choosing this story for an analysis is based on what I think is the very American feeling there is to this short story. The title alone has this American ring to it: Up in Michigan. From the start settling the story deep into the soil of the country. The title seems like the beginning of an old tale, once upon a time up in Michigan†¦it ends there and propels the "unfinished", never settled way of the story along. And at the same time it signifies that this is just another story, told a hundred times before. The story is set in a very small town, which plays a great role in the way the characters interact with one another. The two main characters of the story get presented each in their little paragraph in the beginning of the story. Their way of meeting each other is, one gets the feeling, not by chance, but rather because the town is so small that they could never avoid meeting each other. A phrase like "One day she found that she liked it he way the hair was black †¦"(p.59) indicates that the girl Liz' falling in love with Jim the blacksmith is not the falling in love of a metropolitan person who is marked by the many choices of a bigger environment. Liz's love or interest in Jim comes from there being no other it seems and so with time she has developed an interest in him that is totally based on a picture she makes of him in her mind. What is significant here is the obvious difference in the way the two characters are described by Hemingway. Liz likes Jim very much; Jim just likes her face. She thinks about him all the time; he never thinks of her. There is a basic unbalan... ... the death of a young girls dreams, it is at the same time the initiation of a life. It is the simple act of growing up, moving into another world, where nothing is as you dream it will be. Where bitterness is an unescapeable part of your life. Where your hair can not always be neat and your clothes might get dirty sometimes. The fact that Jim lies unconscious on the dock as if he now has the role of the dead buck, just emphasizes Liz coming to consciousness about her own life. She rises from the battlefield like a heroine, at first she shakes Jim in the fainting hope that there might be a way to get back. ("†¦shook him once more just to make sure"), but then realizing her fate she stoically takes of her coat and as an imitation of the Pieta-figure puts her coat over her past life, that in the figure of the drunken Jim, has passed away.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader Essa

The life of Amir Abd el-Kader was marked by a litany of difficult decisions— questions of whether to respond to violence and oppression strongly or weakly, to remain unyielding in retaliation or to surrender and, in doing so, stop unnecessary death. Upon closer analysis, the challenges and decisions which confronted the Amir are not so drastically different from more modern concerns of international intervention or political upheaval. In reading of the Amir’s life and prior to this, the Ghost Dance of the Lakota people and the development of the Khalsa in the Sikh religion, there has been a desire to identify and separate religious responses to suffering from other, equally legitimate but perhaps more seemingly political, economic, or militaristic responses. This categorization is useful for a society that has, since the enlightenment, become increasingly compartmentalized, ever seeking to separate actions and responses according to their perceived motivations. But, when looking to the life of Abd el-Kader, whose actions often seem to defy such categorization, it becomes difficult to see the divides separating religious responses from humanitarian, political, economic, militaristic, or personal ones as anything more substantial than convenient and occasionally, dangerous fictions. In order to discuss the ways in which Abd el-Kader’s actions complicate notions of religious response, this essay will focus on two of the Amir’s responses / actions: the 1847 surrender to French forces and the Amir’s intervention to rescue Christians living in Damascus in 1860. On the most fundamental levels, both actions contest traditional notions regarding the purpose of jihad and the edicts outlined in hadiths; both represent what seem to be personal transformations in the Amir’s reaction to non-Muslin oppressors; both demonstrate a desire to negotiate Muslim traditions and beliefs with a world which was quickly becoming more globalized. In both cases, the actions of the Amir reflect the concerns faced by almost all religious communities: All religious communities face this tension between religious inspiration and religious action †¦ The troubled waters that need to be navigated in this global age lie between two shores: Respecting the right and reality of religious conviction and motivation and recognizing the problem of religious action in the pluralistic... ...s of a deep, personal regret. Regardless of the motivation / category of response, the Amir’s words mark the conclusion of a long progression, from the 24-year-old who claimed that â€Å"paradise is found in the shadow of the sword.† The progression of Abd el-Kader’s method of response to the suffering of the Muslim people, presents challenges to the categorization of religious response and the extent to which divisions between religious, political, humanitarian, and personal responses to suffering, both for the individual and for the community, can be realistically determined. While it seems obvious that there are numerous complex and perhaps even contradictory motivations driving a single response, perhaps the more pertinent question to consider, at least in terms of religious studies, is the way such classifications limit or enable the justification of the response. Works Cited Heck, Paul L. "Jihad Revisited.† Journal of Religious Ethics. 32.1 (2004): 95-128. Kiser, John. Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader. Rhinebeck, New York: Monkfish Book Publishing, 2008. McClatchy, J.D. "Jihad." Poetry. 180.6 (September 2002): 311-312. Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader Essa The life of Amir Abd el-Kader was marked by a litany of difficult decisions— questions of whether to respond to violence and oppression strongly or weakly, to remain unyielding in retaliation or to surrender and, in doing so, stop unnecessary death. Upon closer analysis, the challenges and decisions which confronted the Amir are not so drastically different from more modern concerns of international intervention or political upheaval. In reading of the Amir’s life and prior to this, the Ghost Dance of the Lakota people and the development of the Khalsa in the Sikh religion, there has been a desire to identify and separate religious responses to suffering from other, equally legitimate but perhaps more seemingly political, economic, or militaristic responses. This categorization is useful for a society that has, since the enlightenment, become increasingly compartmentalized, ever seeking to separate actions and responses according to their perceived motivations. But, when looking to the life of Abd el-Kader, whose actions often seem to defy such categorization, it becomes difficult to see the divides separating religious responses from humanitarian, political, economic, militaristic, or personal ones as anything more substantial than convenient and occasionally, dangerous fictions. In order to discuss the ways in which Abd el-Kader’s actions complicate notions of religious response, this essay will focus on two of the Amir’s responses / actions: the 1847 surrender to French forces and the Amir’s intervention to rescue Christians living in Damascus in 1860. On the most fundamental levels, both actions contest traditional notions regarding the purpose of jihad and the edicts outlined in hadiths; both represent what seem to be personal transformations in the Amir’s reaction to non-Muslin oppressors; both demonstrate a desire to negotiate Muslim traditions and beliefs with a world which was quickly becoming more globalized. In both cases, the actions of the Amir reflect the concerns faced by almost all religious communities: All religious communities face this tension between religious inspiration and religious action †¦ The troubled waters that need to be navigated in this global age lie between two shores: Respecting the right and reality of religious conviction and motivation and recognizing the problem of religious action in the pluralistic... ...s of a deep, personal regret. Regardless of the motivation / category of response, the Amir’s words mark the conclusion of a long progression, from the 24-year-old who claimed that â€Å"paradise is found in the shadow of the sword.† The progression of Abd el-Kader’s method of response to the suffering of the Muslim people, presents challenges to the categorization of religious response and the extent to which divisions between religious, political, humanitarian, and personal responses to suffering, both for the individual and for the community, can be realistically determined. While it seems obvious that there are numerous complex and perhaps even contradictory motivations driving a single response, perhaps the more pertinent question to consider, at least in terms of religious studies, is the way such classifications limit or enable the justification of the response. Works Cited Heck, Paul L. "Jihad Revisited.† Journal of Religious Ethics. 32.1 (2004): 95-128. Kiser, John. Commander of the Faithful: The Life and Times of Emir Abd el-Kader. Rhinebeck, New York: Monkfish Book Publishing, 2008. McClatchy, J.D. "Jihad." Poetry. 180.6 (September 2002): 311-312.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Models for Learning and Development

our site – BUSINESS MANAGEMENT DISSERTATION TOPICS – CUSTOM ESSAY WRITING Abstract This essay critically appraises the validity of the 70, 20, 10 formula used for giving due recognition to different types of management learning. Using a wide variety of resources, the discussion assesses the current method, future potential and possible shortcomings. The research shows that the process of aiding employees to develop, any form of additional education on the job adds to the natural way people develop, aiding both the person and the company. Yet, in many cases the method is found to be outdated in the face of developing technology. This study will be of interest to those researching developing trends in relation to long standing practices 1 Introduction This essay critically appraises the validity of the 70: 20: 10 formula used for giving due recognition to different types of management learning. Burgess (2017) describes the 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development as a learning model that seeks to improve overall performance through targeted efforts. Jennings et al., (2010) illustrates the formula in the following manner: Seventy per cent assignments Twenty per cent from relationships Ten per cent from training Watkins et al., (1992) argues that learning begins with motivation, leading to action.. Whilst this seems to be a simple form of beginning, this start could come in various forms that leave many things in question. For example, a mistake which is a very common beginning point, builds experience, leading to a learning experience. Yet, Pollock et al., (2015) describes the system as outdated . With many others critical of this approach including Blackman et al., (2016), the following discussion illustrates the pros and cons of the method. 2 The 70: 20:10 Models Rentroia-Bonito et al., (2015) argue that the 70:20:10 model helps people to extend their focus beyond the norm in order to build more resilient workforces thereby serving to create cultures that feature continuous learning. Critical of this Blackman et al., (2016) says that the 70:20:10 isn’t a simple rule as it only outlines the process of learning as it naturally occurs, only then offering a process to support that learning process. Furthermore, as part of the daily workflow the method helps in the effort to improve working as well as the art of and sharing with colleagues, empowering the entire company or effort to move forward. This seems to generate considerable questions regarding the meaning of the numbers and how this has been defined throughout its term of operation. The 70:20:10 models, although considered a change agent by most, is described by Watkins et al., (1992) as a consistently useful reminder that learning can also be found in the workplace and not just in the a educational format. Yet, Pollock et al., (2015) are critical of assigning any single meaning to the model, showing that learning is continually dependent on the person, the environment and the motivation. This seems to indicate that learning is a very personal based experience that can be successful for nearly anyone once the correct combination of method and motivation is found. Furthermore, this is a real indication that the influx of numbers cannot be considered a mantra, more of a guideline leading to a potential change. Blackman et al., (2016) supports the contention that many of the past years have continued to illustrate the condition that workplace learning is on the increase with more and more people are using the possibility of learning in organisations. Yet, Jennings et al., (2010) continue to be critical of such an assumption, arguing that alongside each new learning development is an advance in the science of education, which in turn is associated with increasing the ability for organisations to effectively reach their target employees. This seems to be a strong argument for the condition of consistent learning in every situation aiding the person in the entirely. Furthermore, this framework aids the understanding of learning within organisations that is widely considered a step towards more effective know-how learning (Rentroia-Bonito et al., 2015). Yet, every writer continues to agree that the elements of the method of completely interdependent, with each one impacting the other. This is best scene in examples that illustrate that mentoring and courses seem to be better when they support on-the-job development, leading to a consistent motivation. Blackman et al., (2016) describe the 70:20:10 formulas as an argument that is made when an organisation tries to innovate and prosper based on the abilities held by the employees. Yet, choosing to add to that description, Jennings et al., (2010) illustrates the method as a model designed to support individual, as well as any form of organisational learning. This seems to be indicative of a desire by this process to integrate each of the three types of learning: experiential, social and formal. Critical of accepting the method on initial value Marsick et al., (2006) argues that organisations assume more responsibility for any organisation’s learning, as a means of improving the entire company whether that education come from formal or informal conditions. Pollock et al., (2015) chooses to believe that the process is of value as a general guideline only, leading to many areas of for improving the effectiveness of learning. Yet, Rentroia-Bonito et al., (2015) is critical of this assessment, being quick to point out that the model is used heavily by organisations around the world.2.1 Meaning of the NumbersEach of the percentages associated with the 70:20:10 methods are associated with specific elements of the learning process (Jennings et al., 2010). This is an indication that there are areas that deserve more attention to and broader funding, leading to the development of priorities. Watkins et al., (1992) argues that the 70 per cent becomes the most beneficial for employees due to the possibility of for these persons to discover and further develop their skills, which in turn leads to better decision making and better performance in the face of ongoing day to day challenges. Although Blackman et al., (2016) argues that the key element of this portion of the program is the fact that the individuals receive immediate feedback on their performance and are able to quickly use this information on the job. According to this method, persons learn 20 per cent fro m areas of social learning, collaborative learning and of interaction with co-workers. Pollock et al., (2015:124) uses the following illustration to demonstrate the range of interpretations: A multinational company 70% comes from constant on-the job Encouragement and stimulation such as delegation and job rotation. 20%from daily contact with colleagues and management. A professional services firm 70% on the job such as stretch, projects, problems solving, client interaction, and rotation assignments. 20% undertaken through others such as social networking, performance conversations; work shadowing, communities of practice and social activities. 10% formal or prescribed. 10% from formal methods such as e-learning, the classroom, external courses. A distribution organisation 70% from work experiences such as stretch assignments, projects and overseas exposure. 20% others such as mentoring and learning from seniors and peers. 10% formal and informal channels. An Australian government body 70% is experiential. 20% is relationship based. 10% is formal. A not-for-profit organisation 70% on the job. 20% coaching and mentoring. 10% formal courses. A large multinational organisation 70% from on-the-job training, projects. 20% from exposure to teachers and other educators. 10% from learning material including online resources, books and external resources. The Pollock et al., (2015) approach outlined here only seems content that ten per cent of any class of trainees working to be a professional will complete the course and development optimally. This condition will result from the combination of the formal instruction alongside the contribution of outside offerings.2.2 Is the 70:20:10 still relevant?Jennings et al., (2010) argues that the internet, alongside developing communications technology has altered the training industry’s views of the 70:20:10 models, making some elements more meaningful, whilst reducing others. Perhaps the fastest and loudest growing criticism of the model is the fact that the old model does not reflect the current market’s fast-growing emphasis any type of learning. This seems to indicate that as technology continues to develop, so too do the opportunities for people to learn anywhere, seemingly lending support for the argument that the model needs to be updated for the modern world. Another observation that is commonly touted to the negative in relation to this model is the fact that the ratios do not reflect the many opportunities emerging, instead seemingly limiting the effectiveness of the tool (Pollock et al., 2015). Yet, Watkins et al., (1992) argues that no matter what may come in the markets the model will continue to be as a valuable guideline. Blackman et al., (2015) argues that the relevance of the method remains in the ability for the model to assist the transition from the formal learning to on the job application. This is best achieved using specific methods such as step by step instructions or allowing a person to instruct themselves leading to potential opportunities during training. However, Watkins et al., (1992) insists that any attempt to use the model in today’s markets rests on the ability for the course content to remain short in order to tackle a wider variety of concepts. Furthermore, this seems to indicate that any attempt at using the model will increasingly use methods such as micro learning, leading to innovation and development. Yet, Blackman et al., (2015) shows that if a model is not carried out correctly, the learnings will begin to occupy more time than the 10%, leading to a skewed attempt. This element seems to support the contention that the model is highly dependent on management style an d ease of any programs use. Jennings et al., (2010) asserts that job aids aid to provide possible learners with much of the supplementary materials that is needed in to succeed, leading to better skills for the person in the long run. Yet, Blackman et al., (2015) again asserts that the most valuable element of the program is the introduction of the peer learning component that allow employees to find methods of success outside of the norm, again, leading to innovation and possible development in the work place. The relevance of the model has further increased with Jennings et al., (2010) that the addition of mobile content adds a tremendous extension of any learning efforts. This seems to indicate that there is a real potential in this model to extend formal learnings and help in the persons personal efforts to establish a proper educational path. Yet, in every case Blackman et al., (2015) asserts that the most important element, and remaining relevance of this model is the self-as sessment that helps each person to learn and apply their knowledge.2.3 PotentialPascale (2017) asserts that learning programs provide potential as they are addressing employees as well as providing experience and the benefit of increased confidence. This seems to indicate that Pascale (2017) sees the method as learning that can be attributed to any single person’s capacities which in turn assist the person’s entire workforce. Yet, Jennings et al., (2010) cautions against this form of over optimism, stating that these skills are the employees, and the person may choose to use these emerging skills elsewhere or in a different manner than the company may have anticipated. Jennings et al., (2010:20) says that the system has the potential to â€Å"forces us into a mind-set of extending learning solutions beyond classes and courses and out into the workflow. It creates great opportunities to leverage work for learning and to bring learning closer to work. As the workflow is where the majority of learning happens, re-focusing there is not only a sensible approach, but it’s an effective one as well.† This seems plausible with a real opportunity for persons to learn through practice and establishing as well as learning through the day to day employee conversations. Yet, Watkins (1992) assert that the best possible element of the program rests in the element of reflective practice that both enhances the organisational learning as well as adding to any form of personal educational experience. This seems to indicate that there is support for a system that helps a person becomes the best form of themselves that they can be, which in turn seems to require a little more flexibility than a rigid model. Burgess (2017) describes this art of reflection as a link across any activities that assist to assess a person’s success or failure, which in turn adds to the likelihood of success in a new challenge. Furthermore, extending this principle sho ws that reflecting on improvement, alongside practice and is a natural and practical way for a person to improve their potential for growth. With intuitive elements already a large part of every person’s life in the form of teachers, coaches and mentors with endless sessions of practice in any number of educational efforts, the method provides a framework that adds to the potential for anyone to succeed (Watkins et al., 1992). However, this is not the same attitude evinced by the later studies such as Burgess (2017) citing the need for more flexibility in order to provide the proper potential for growth and innovation.2.4 ChallengesJennings et al., (2017) argue that the biggest challenge of using the 70:20:10 frameworks is how to do it correctly in any environment. Yet, Pascale (2017) cites the largest challenge as matching the various levels of understanding among the persons being educated. Whilst Pollock et al., (2015) argues that the largest challenge going forward is going to be the nature of the process and the inability of method to effectively integrate technology. Although, this contention is debated among many professionals with Jennings et al., (2017) making arguments clearly in favour of using innovative technology to aid in both reaching employees and the manner in which they would understand their material. This all seems to sustain the contention that although there seems to be a solid structure to the system overall, the lack of a solid step by step system that can be applied in nearly any circumstance is a drawback. Furthermore, it would seem as if the area of technology remains a key weakness that needs to be developed. Pascale (2017) cites the fact that leaders are actively seeking out new ways to train employees, that there is a need for more innovation and development. With nearly seventy per cent of hands on training, considered to take too long, the mistakes made by employees only serve to reduce effectiveness and potential revenue. Furthermore, Watkins et al., (1992) notes this same condition, with the companies that using temporary workers hit hardest. This seems to support the arguments that technology has brought on training that provides a focused way for people to speed up learning whilst keeping overall cost low. 3 Conclusion This essay critically appraised the validity of the 70: 20: 10 formula used for giving due recognition to different types of management learning, with the understanding that the learning model seeks to improve overall performance through targeted efforts. With considerable debate on the subject, the central area of challenges to the system was the assertion that it was becoming outdated and that the seventy per cent assignments, twenty per cent from relationships and ten per cent from training were not effective in the modern market, making the entire method questionable. Yet, support for the method centred largely on the ability for the educational material to provide a source of growth and reflection for the employee that would in turn aid them in learning in a natural manner that would easily integrate into their professional lives. This seems to support the Watkins et al., (1992) argument that learning begins with motivation, leading to action. This motivation is built upon the desire to better them through education, and the method does seem to provide a valid and practical process for attaining that goal. However, the critics of this process are a quick to point out that any mistake will build a faulty knowledge base that should be better controlled to ensure quality. However, with time being a key element of any business community, it does not seem practical for employees to expect to receive any long term education that many received in the past in formal educational settings. The material in this study seems to support the contention that when seeking to determine how long someone needs to train, it remains vital to look at the method and manner of training. There are many choices for each unique person, making some critics of the system point out that the need for flexibility is a real and lasting component of any system.. This works to build confidence in the assessment that a person’s learning program will help to build better overall working practices that will in turn benefit the company or organisation that the persons is associated with. Furthermore, the material clearly shows that there is more to learn than how to make the connection in the classroom, that there must be deeper elements that serve to encourage and develop the innovative nature of the person, whilst not relying on a single model for universal education. The research shows that the process of aiding employees to develop, any form of additional education on the job adds to the natural way people develop, aiding both the person and the company. Yet, in many cases the method is found to be outdated in the face of developing technology. This study will be of interest to those researching developing trends in relation to long standing practices. This study shows that formal training and development serve only a portion of a person, or employees learning and educational development, with valuable sources of education and knowledge coming from practice, reflection and the proximity and mentorship of experienced professionals in the field. The research illustrates that by aiding people, employees and leaders to work and develop educational process whilst on the job, the ability to naturally integrate this knowledge into their professional lives grows. This growth not only seems to aid the person on many levels, but aids the efforts of the companies associated with the person, supporting the contention that the 70:20:10 model is not only relevant but needed in the modern community. This continues to show that people develop on the job and in order to companies to remain or become successful education must be a cornerstone of that process. References Blackman, D. and Johnson, S. (2016). The 70:20:10 model for learning and development: an effective model for capability development?. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 2(1), pp.112-116. Burgess, J. (2017). Is a Blended Learning Approach Suitable for Mature, Part-Time Finance Students?.. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Cotton, J. and Rechtschaffen, A. (1958). Replication report: Two- and three-choice verbal-conditioning phenomena. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56(1), pp.96-96. Gardner, R. (1957). Probability-Learning with Two and Three Choices. The American Journal of Psychology, 70(2), p.174. Jennings, C. and Wargnier, J. (2010). Experiential learning – a way to develop agile minds in the knowledge economy?. Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 24(3), pp.14-16. Jennings, C., Jennings, C. and profile, V. (2017). 70:20:10 Primer. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. KMI Learning. (2017). 70-20-10 Training – A New Approach | KMI Learning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Pascale, C. (2017). 70:20:10 Guide: Provide Structure to the 70%. [online] Docebo. Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Pollock, R., Jefferson, A., Wick, C. and Wick, C. (2015). The six disciplines of breakthrough learning. 1st ed. Rentroia-Bonito, M., Goncalves, D. and Jorge, J. (2015). Clustering Students Based on Motivation to Learn:. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 7(3), pp.18-39. (2017). 70:20:10: Where Is the Evidence?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Mar. 2017]. (2017). 70:20:10: Where Is the Evidence?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Training Magazine. (2017). Fear Not the 70-20-10. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. (2017). The 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development | Training Industry. [online] Available at: [Accessed 24 Mar. 2017]. Watkins, K. and Marsick, V. (1992). Towards a theory of informal and incidental learning in organizations?. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 11(4), pp.287-300.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Moscow vs Washington essays

Moscow vs Washington essays THE MAYOR OF MOSCOW AND THE MAYOR OF WASHINGTON, D.C. Moscow is a city like no other. This ancient city of has seen the rise and fall of empires. It has been the home of rulers and despots, a token of war and an envisioned destiny for many. Yet never has it seen the likes of the last decade. The center of power for the world's largest country, Moscow is something of a powerful symbol, a center of power, and in its most simple form, a municipal city. Yet this is the great intangible mystique of Moscow. The physical city, and its leaders, are more than just leaders and she is more than just a city. At the center of the daily management of Russia's most important city is the Mayor of Moscow. Unlike what the West considers a mayor's job, Moscow's mayor goes far beyond just managing the city. He is not simply an elected municipal leader. He reports directly to the President of Russia. He is inherently virtually a Muscovite dictator and national political bear. And though Russia shrugged off Communism, it certainly hasn't installed an established and lasting system, especially at the municipal level. This has left the Mayor of Moscow with unprecedented power to do as he sees fit, especially as long as Moscow continues to experience prosperity untouched by the rest of the nation. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, no Russian icon has changed more than the city of Moscow. Though there is only one real dynamic figure to take this office, Yuri Luzhkov has truly been the spearhead in this change. In order to better understand its unique politics, one must first understand Moscow's basic setting. It is not only the capital of the nation of Russia, but also of the Moscow oblast (region). The oblast has a gubernatorial executive. In other oblasts, the regional governor is the power point. In Moscow, oblast and city, it is the mayor who maintains the greatest power. The politics of this are far reaching, for e...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Compensation System of State Farm Insurance

Compensation System of State Farm Insurance Every business organization has its own philosophy, which drives it towards big success. The same is true for insurance companies that offer different types of insurance covers. Usually, the founders of any organization architect the philosophy under which it will operate.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Compensation System of State Farm Insurance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The inception of State Farm Insurance Company dates back to 1922 when one farmer, George Mercherle opted to work as an insurance agent because his health conditions could not allow him to continue farming. He turned out to be one of the best sales representatives for an insurance company he was working with. However, at one point, Mercherle was not happy with the company’s insurance policy to farmers. According to him, the company oppresses farmers through low insurance rates and poor business practices. Farmers paid high pre miums despite the fact that they incurred less compensation incidents and drove less kilometers that those staying in urban areas. Over time, Mercherle recommended new policies that detailed new modalities of selling insurance to farmers and city folks. Nonetheless, the employers turned down the offer and instead, told him to go and start his own insurance company. Driven by desire to offer better insurance, Mercherle and other people with same views started State Farm Insurance Company. The policyholders became the owners of this automobile insurance company and in 1928, the company started to decentralize starting from an area office in Berkeley, California. By the year 2000, State Farm had grown into a great insurance empire with over 27 regional offices and 1000 service centers all over United States and Canada. (Rhonda, 2010, p.1). The philosophy of State Farm Insurance lies in offering insurance coverage at an affordable price in tandem with flaxen claim resolution. This philo sophy has been the driving gear of State Farm Insurance Company and today, with 76,500 workers and over 16,000 insuring agents, the company posses with 67 million policies and an asset base of US$ 25 billion-making it the biggest fiscal institution in United States. The current philosophy of â€Å"Good Neighbor† is a reckoning force behind State Farm success. This philosophy has remained vital in establishing different insurance covers at affordable price to consumers. For example, under home insurance cover, State Farm insurers all types of houses ranging from single homes to condominium leasing houses. Perhaps what State Farm ought to do is to insure letting houses against burglary, defacement or conflagration in line with the philosophy.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Where fire has destroyed houses, State Farm through their Good Neighbor philos ophy, should provide alternate accommodation while awaiting repair of destroyed property. However, through this philosophy, State Farm covers all expenses arising from such disasters. (State Farm Corporate Website, 2010, p.1). Most insurance companies offer general life insurance, which does not include health. However, State Farm offers general health insurance in addition to disability and long term care insurance coverage. The philosophy of Good Neighbor that is, offering affordable insurance to consumers has seen many American homeowners receive health care insurance at a time when they need medical services most. The introduction of long term care is so far one of the best insurance coverage targeting the old, persons with disabilities, and the injured. In the current global economic downturn, underprivileged people can access health care services or health care insurance premiums at a cheaper price thanks to â€Å"Good Neighbor† philosophy from State Farm. (Case Study: State Farm, 2010, pp. 1-5). As a mode of enhancing this philosophy, State Farm should target Young Adults aged between 18 and 25. This is because there are over 33 million uninsured persons in America falling in this age gap. With the philosophy, State Farm should provide insurance brands to students and young adults falling in this age gap in order to detach them from other insurance and make them independent. Additionally, since State Farm prefers business model (use of agents) rather than insurer model (use of call centers and internet), there is high probability that in the current information technology age, many persons falling in this age do not have an elusive insurance coverage. Business model has its advantages that include job creation among other things. However, the Good Neighbor philosophy of State Farm can reach young adults easily now that many of them are prone to internet than attending call centers. Many young adults perceive State Farm as conservative and one tha t clings to traditional ways of doing business. However, with the Good Neighbor philosophy, which targets all people the adoption of insurer model through call centers and internet, will see young adults seek insurance brands from State Farm. (State Farm Plans Book Ucla 2010, 2010. p.1). State Farm is a mutual insurance company belonging to many policyholders. The first capital of starting State Farm came from policy holders who until now remain owners. Although currently comprising of shareholders, the company does not pay form of dividends to shareholders. Instead, all dividends including profits and status belong to policyholders.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Compensation System of State Farm Insurance specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This is the reason why State Farm continues to expand as policyholders choose to use their financial earnings to expand the company. Additionally, the structure protects the company’s finances in that, even if share prices drop or shareholders stage demonstrations, the company will still move on smoothly as this appears no issue. Current statistics indicate that State Farm is the most successful insurance company in United States especially as car and home insurer. This is because of its Good Neighbor philosophy that includes affordability and ability to handle claims fairly and squarely. The mission statement of State Farm is to assist people to deal with arising risks, recuperate from misfortunes and attain their objectives. In order to exhibit good neighbor philosophy, State Farm embarks in market partnership with insurance consumers build on shared values such as financial empowerment, honesty, mutual trust and eminent insurance services. (Case Study: State Farm, 2010, pp. 8-10). Reference List Case Study: State Farm. (2010). Retrieved from /08/casestudy_abbr.pdf+outline+the+current+compensation+philosophy+for+your+organization+StateFarm+Insurance+Companyhl=engl=ke Rhonda, C. (2010). State Farm Mutual Insurance Company. Retrieved from State Farm Corporate Website. State Farm Insurance Company. (2010). Retrieved from State Farm Plans Book Ucla 2010. (2010). Retrieved from

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Children in Sudan essays

Children in Sudan essays Children of Sudan Children who escape from rebel captivity are in poor shape: they are usually in lice-ridden rags, covered with sores, scarred from beatings and bullet wounds. According to World Vision's Robby Muhumuza, the children arrive at trauma counseling centers "sick, malnourished, with low appetite. They have guilt feelings, are depressed and with low self-esteem . . . . They have swollen feet, rough skin, chest infections . . . they tend to be aloof . . . with little confidence in themselves or others. They tend to lapse into absentmindedness as well as swift mood changes."Many of the childrenespecially the girls, who are routinely given to rebel leaders as "wives"also have sexually transmitted diseases: "They arrive with gonorrhea, syphilis or sores, skin rash and complaints of abdominal pain and backache." At World Vision in Gulu, 70 to 80 percent of the children newly arriving at the center test positive for at least one sexually transmitted disease. Some of the girls are pregnant, whil e others, who tested negative for pregnancy, have stopped having their menstrual periods because of malnutrition and stress. The trauma counseling centers do not test the children for HIV, reasoning that after their experiences in the bush, the children are not yet psychologically ready to be told that they may have contracted a fatal illness. But with HIV infection rates of 25 percent in parts of Gulu and Kitgum, it is overwhelmingly likely that many of the childrenespecially the girlshave become infected.Counselors and children's advocates criticize the Uganda People's Defense Force for not providing escaped children with adequate medical care while the children are in UPDF control. "They don't always give them treatment right away," says Richard Oneka, a counselor. "Sometimes by the time they reach us, they've been with the UPDF for weeks without seeing a doctor."The Uganda People's Defense Force also ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Answer questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Answer questions - Assignment Example 102). It became apparent that mass advertising and promotional programs were quickly losing their effectiveness. Several new segments began to appear and it was becoming costly for companies to satisfy these customers with the same approaches. Southeast Asian companies entered the markets and began using their core competency of operational efficiency to lure customers and price competition to beat competitors. However, the same did not translate into sustainable competitive advantage for most of the players as brand loyalty and profit margins continued to decrease (LeSueur, 2007, p. 98). Experts were quick to realise that the rules of the game have changed and companies that wish to survive and prosper will have to differentiate between transactional marketing and relationship because the former only focuses on customer acquisition, whereas, the latter has a more balanced focus on customer acquisition and retention (Nash, 2000, p. 52). Discussion At its very core, the goal of market ing is to generate value for the customers while also maximising the profits of the organisation. However, transactional marketing and relationship marketing take very different approaches to achieve these objectives. The transactional marketing approach views the client solely as a means to an end while, the relationship marketing approach takes the liberty to consider the person with whom the sale is being as the end in himself or herself. The transactional marketing approach places the utmost importance on making as many sales as possible in the shortest span of time. Therefore, transactional marketers do not find themselves in position of spending time and resources at building relationships with their customers (Nash, 2000, p. 52). Also known as the traditional marketing approach, transactional marketing mainly focuses on pushing the product through mass advertising and promotion. There is little or no emphasis on customer services. Organisations that employ a transactional app roach are highly likely to follow a pull technique, where the focus would remain on the four Ps of marketing without any focus on the activities that are strategically required once the purchase has been made by the customers (Clow, 2007, p. 47). Relationship marketing, on the other hand, remains focused on building valued and close long-term personal relationships, which are built through highly targeted and personal interactions. Important here to note is that organisations that follow a relationship marketing approach do not consider their brand to be their greatest asset, but rather they take the greatest pride in their ability to satisfy their customers and keep them happy (Spiller & Baier, 2005, p. 75). Furthermore, following relationship marketing is a time consuming and painstaking process because it requires a complete rethink of the entire value chain, business model and operations strategy of the organisation. It requires a top-down shift of the organisational strategy. R elationship marketing, at its very core, represents a strong commitment from the side of the organisation to understand the customers and invest at building relationships with customers (Morgan & Hunt, 1994, p. 25). Customers who feel connected with companies are likely to profit the company in

Friday, October 18, 2019

Gippaland E-Market Strategic Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Gippaland E-Market Strategic Plan - Essay Example A survey done showed that its customers are mainly tourists and people in aged care and in hospitals. The target market is therefore the hospitality and the healthcare industry for both online and offline customers. There are few competitors that exist in the market and this is because GPS acquired the main competitor in the market. A market analysis revealed that the products are of basic importance and therefore there are no cultural beliefs attached to them. The political environment is also supportive and therefore it will be easy to run the online platform. GPS is strong as it is able to provide most of the goods required by the market. They also have a variety of products to suit different markets. The have also taken a customer based approach where they deal face to face with customers in order to win their trust. The threats identified were the developed companies around that posed the biggest challenge. The goal for online marketing is to grow its numbers, to provide support to customers and provide a platform where it will be easy to interact with customers and products. ... the website on a daily basis, monitoring revenues generated by each product or service and documenting customer ratings of products and services to find out which is the most liked. This online platform is seen to work if all the parameters discussed will be put in place and the governing boards ready to implement the plan. Apart from a few technical areas, the rest should be able to work and meet the company’s target objectives. TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 1.0SITUATION ANALYSIS 6 1.1Our customers 6 1.2Our market 7 1.3Our competitors 7 1.4Intermediary and potential customers 8 1.5Wider macro environment 9 1.6Our own capabilities 10 2.0Internet specific SWOT summary 10 3.0GOALS SETTING 11 4.0STRATEGY 11 4.1Targeting 11 4.2Positioning 12 4.3Proposition and the marketing mix 12 4.4Brand strategy 12 4.5Online presentation and presence 13 4.6Content and engagement strategy 13 4.7Acquisition and communication strategy 13 4.8Conversion strategy 13 4.9Ret ention and communication strategy 14 4.10Data strategy 14 4.11Multichannel integration strategy 14 5.0TACTICS, ACTION AND CONTROL 14 5.1Tactics and action 14 5.2Control 15 5.3Governance 16 REFERENCES 17 1.0 SITUATION ANALYSIS 1.1 Our customers Gippaland packaging supplies has a variety of customers due to its broad range of products as explained in the introductory part. They supply products to small and midsized companies that include cafes, restaurants and take away shops located in the Gippaland region. Gippaland region is a tourist hub and therefore these services are of paramount importance. Other customers include hospitals that require products such as napkins, tissues and toilet papers, aged care and guest houses. All of them are customers who are held with high esteem by providing

Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy Essay

Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy - Essay Example For instance, foreign direct investment is one such activity, which has influenced the overall relationship among various governments and international companies trying to enter the host nations. FDI will be studied as an extended example along with its pros and cons in various nations as well as host organizations. According to Peters and Pierre (2006), â€Å"globalization refers to the worldwide phenomenon of technological, economic, political, and cultural exchanges among nations, organizations and private individuals.† As a direct result of these exchanges, nations are more dependent on each other than ever. This has also resulted in interconnectedness and innumerable opportunities, in terms of modern technology, larger markets, superior and modern goods and services as well as minimum barriers to capital and trade flows. This has also changed overall wants, tastes, demands and needs of consumers, who are increasingly converging towards being called as global customers. Apart from opportunities, globalization is also filled with numerous challenges. These challenges include fierce competition, decline in the number of local job opportunities, close-down of various local organizations and even some retail formats, market liberalization, economic volatility, new and more complicated se curity issues as well as increased non-tariff trade barriers. So, it can be said that globalization has brought both positive and negative influences on the overall world economy as well as relationship between the host government and MNEs. The overall influence of globalization can be described in terms of two critical developments. Firstly, the re-occurrence of regional and economic proximity that contributes to enhanced investigation about innovation. The second development is the growing inter-relationship between innovation and technology. It has been observed that majority of innovations, occurring across sectors, are direct or indirect results of advancements in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The nature of the budgeting and planning process Essay

The nature of the budgeting and planning process - Essay Example The overall purpose of the budgeting process is to ensure that the organization has enough finances of operations and expenditure. The first purpose of the budgeting process is communication, where each department in the organization communicates the need for resources and how the resources will be used. This is done by explaining the volume of activities that the department will engage in and the amount of resources that will be needed. The budgeting and planning process is also important for coordination of tasks in the organization, since the different departments in the organization perform interrelated task (Hansen and Wim, 2004). Coordination of processes is achieved when the different departments provide a plan for their resource allocation and the relation to the resource allocation from other departments. Budgets are also used for planning the activities of the organization for a specified period. This is achieved by preparing budgets that predict resource usage for forthcoming fiscal periods. When these budgets are prepared, the organization can determine the resource needs and, therefore, prepare the necessary financial resources for acquisition of the planned resources. Budgets are also used for control and motivation, where the budgets act as a measure of performance and improvement. This means that the prepared budget is used as a standard of measurement of performance, and the different departments are motivated to improve their performance according to the budget allocated. The nature of the budgeting and planning process is reflected by the characteristics of the budget prepared by the departments and the organization. The budget can be defined as a plan for the allocation of financial resources to the various processes in the organization, therefore, the budgeting and planning process refers to the steps taken to prepare and measure organizational performance using a budget. The requirements of the budgeting and planning process can then be inferred from the above definition of a budget. The budgeting and planning process requires knowledge of the required resources by each department, the expected usage of resources, the forecast of the cost of resources, and the expected financial inflows and outflows. Types of Budgets According to Sean, Garrison and Noreen (2008), budgets can be classified into many types, including zero-based budgets, incremental budgets, fixed and flexibl e budgets. These budgets classifications are done according to the basis for budget preparation, whether the budget is prepared according to activity level, fiscal periods, or resource availability. Zero-based budgeting refers to a budgeting method where each department is required to provide a justification of all the expenses presented in the budget statement. Traditional budgeting methods require a manager to add or subtract amounts from the previous fiscal period budget, however, zero-based budgets start from a zero baseline and all expenditures have to be justified. Conversely, incremental budgets are based on the previous period’

ARTICLE CRITIQUE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ARTICLE CRITIQUE - Essay Example just in front of the period. 0.25 error in period. No need for double period after bracket.) It very carefully pointed out that the study was performed in accordance with the ethical standards of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975(Meunier, A., Lisander. B., and Good. L.2007).. (0.25 there should be a space after1975, just before the bracket. 0.25 there is no need for double period after the bracket and there should be a space just after the period infron of L. erro in double period)The authors even indicated what hospital that the study was done at(Meunier, A., Lisander. B., and Good. L.2007).. (0.25 no space after at just before the bracket. 0.25 there is no space after the period in front of L. There is no need of a double period after the bracket.)The study even indicated how the capsules of medications were processed and delivered in envelopes prepared by this certain Swedish pharmacy(Meunier, A., Lisander. B., and Good. L.2007).. (0.25 error in spacing after pharmacy. Ther should be a space after pharmacy. 0.25 there should also be a space after the period in front of L. 0.25 there is no need of double period after the bracket)The study determined that Celecoxib does not increase perioperative blood loss but reduces pain during the postoperative period after total knee replacement(Meunier, A., Lisander. B., and Good. L.2007).. (0.25 no space after replacement. 0.25 no space after the period infornt of L. 0.25 no need for double period after the bracket) So it is not necessary to discontinue celecoxib before surgery(Meunier, A., Lisander. B., and Good. L.2007)..  (0.25 no space between surgery and the bracket. 0.25 no space after the period in front of L. 0.25 no need for double period after the bracket.) The use of lidocaine and fentanyl in spinal anesthesia has been found to be very safe, effective, and efficient anesthetic but it has frequently caused nausea, vomiting, and pruritus, which then can lead to a delayed

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The nature of the budgeting and planning process Essay

The nature of the budgeting and planning process - Essay Example The overall purpose of the budgeting process is to ensure that the organization has enough finances of operations and expenditure. The first purpose of the budgeting process is communication, where each department in the organization communicates the need for resources and how the resources will be used. This is done by explaining the volume of activities that the department will engage in and the amount of resources that will be needed. The budgeting and planning process is also important for coordination of tasks in the organization, since the different departments in the organization perform interrelated task (Hansen and Wim, 2004). Coordination of processes is achieved when the different departments provide a plan for their resource allocation and the relation to the resource allocation from other departments. Budgets are also used for planning the activities of the organization for a specified period. This is achieved by preparing budgets that predict resource usage for forthcoming fiscal periods. When these budgets are prepared, the organization can determine the resource needs and, therefore, prepare the necessary financial resources for acquisition of the planned resources. Budgets are also used for control and motivation, where the budgets act as a measure of performance and improvement. This means that the prepared budget is used as a standard of measurement of performance, and the different departments are motivated to improve their performance according to the budget allocated. The nature of the budgeting and planning process is reflected by the characteristics of the budget prepared by the departments and the organization. The budget can be defined as a plan for the allocation of financial resources to the various processes in the organization, therefore, the budgeting and planning process refers to the steps taken to prepare and measure organizational performance using a budget. The requirements of the budgeting and planning process can then be inferred from the above definition of a budget. The budgeting and planning process requires knowledge of the required resources by each department, the expected usage of resources, the forecast of the cost of resources, and the expected financial inflows and outflows. Types of Budgets According to Sean, Garrison and Noreen (2008), budgets can be classified into many types, including zero-based budgets, incremental budgets, fixed and flexibl e budgets. These budgets classifications are done according to the basis for budget preparation, whether the budget is prepared according to activity level, fiscal periods, or resource availability. Zero-based budgeting refers to a budgeting method where each department is required to provide a justification of all the expenses presented in the budget statement. Traditional budgeting methods require a manager to add or subtract amounts from the previous fiscal period budget, however, zero-based budgets start from a zero baseline and all expenditures have to be justified. Conversely, incremental budgets are based on the previous period’

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

To what extent did Britain experience a 'cultural revolution' in the Essay

To what extent did Britain experience a 'cultural revolution' in the 1960s - Essay Example The Acts of parliament led to divorce, homosexuality and abortion thus declining the social standards. For instance, National Health Service Act of 1967 allowed for the local authorities to provide free contraceptive pills to women thus leading to secular Britain. The sixties is considered a period when the old framework of morality, authority and discipline in the society disintegrated and led to disrespect of law and order, decline in family values and tuneful music (Moore-Gilbert 1992). The Cultural Revolution was characterized by youthful culture, idealism. Protests, triumph of Afro-American models, changes in sexual behaviours such as gay liberation, and the emergence of new music. It is evident that Swinging Sixties changed British moral standards from Christian based virtues to more secular virtues due to legalisation of homosexuality and abortion (Sandbrook 2007). The technological development in music production technologies led to new music genres such as hard rock and new dressing styles that included unkempt long hair, afro hairstyle and sideburns. Premarital sex and commercialisation of pornography and nudity in television advertisements later led to emergency of sexually transmitted diseases, abortions and high divorce rates (Ferris 1993). The Cultural Revolution was evident in new dressing styles. Some fashion trends include new hairstyles like the beatle boots and mop-top haircut. The hippie movement also introduced bell-bottom jeans, paisley prints and batik fabrics that were common with the youth. In addition, mini-skirts were introduced and bikini family featured in the beach party film in 1963 (Marr 2008). Men also introduced new hairstyles that included crew cut, flattop hairstyle and longer parted hairstyles with sideburns. African women preferred the afro while other mainstream hairstyles included chignon hairstyle, twiggy and beehive hairdos (Marwick 1998). In my opinion, it is evident that the Cultural Revolution led to new fashion desi gns and fashion consciousness among British youth. The youthful population wanted casual wear that displayed their identity of being cool and trendy thus replicating with anti-social behaviours like drug abuse (Marr 2008). The Cultural Revolution is evident in the music industry. In the 1950s, Britain relied entirely on American music but Beatles ventured in American market in 1960s thus making Britain a centre of fashion and music. Many youths admired Beatlemania as pop music erupted with energy thus leading to cultural shifts. The Rolling stones band utilized sexy drawl and feminine pout that drew huge crowds to music concerts. Another striking aspect of the music was unkempt style and wild wear clothing. New music stars such as Cilla Black, Adam Faith and Cliff Richard emerged during the Cultural Revolution. The Zombies, the Animals and Dusty Springfield mainly used protest music that combined new fashion trends and youthful culture thus appealing to the US audience (Moore-Gilber t 1992). In addition, psychedelic music was common in order to enhance the experiences of hallucinogenic drugs while the traditional progressive folk bands shifted to rock and pop music (Sandbrook 2007). Heavy metal music started to gain audience in later 1960s and become popular in the next decade. Carnaby Street in London was

Experts opinion Essay Example for Free

Experts opinion Essay After reading four of experts opinion, their views can be separate into two. Katherine Franks view and advice seems different from three of others which she thinks Galen was doing a good job whereas the other three are thinking of firing him.  John Brown, who is the director of institutional sales and customer relation at Fortis Investments in Boston, has mainly two points: The boss should outline the clear value and principle of business outgoing and how the value system of the organization integrates with employee and clients. He does agree with build business relationship and trust step by step by using acceptable tactic. There are many other ways can be used in business rather than do something unethical. And be aware the feeling of client for every process during the business, a special gift or sweet regards on the holiday helps the business gaining high marks. Also pay attention of what is the clients religious beliefs or any special need and what may be downright offended of them. Denise Rousseau is a professor in both Carnegie Mellons Heinz School and Tepper School of business in Pittsburgh. Both John Brown and Denise think that value system is very important and considerable factor in business. She advises the Bob to stop Galens job then find some new sale man who can follow the rule. She has also mentioned the aspect of female employees benefit. A good company should create a fair and positive environment for employee to work and do not feel any discrimination in the working. Other wise, sex discrimination can cause a risk of reputation of the company. We always can see that female employee go to the court with the company for their deserved right and benefit. Also the company will pay attention of this sensitive topic for the long term development. Another professor is Das Narayandas from Harvard business school in Boston. His idea is mostly similar with the previous experts. He looks the problem in a serious way that Bob has been holding as a hostage by Galen and Bob need to turn the situation into his way. He thinks the biggest mistake is from the CEO Bob. Also Galen may use the company money to satisfy his own need. I do agree with this view: all the problem is from the leader. Bob need to reform and set up new corn value system of the company and also pass his idea and organization culture to all the employees. And newest concept is the service is important as the product and buyer will focus on the other aspects of company also. Katherine Frank thinks that things like go to stripe club is acceptable in business and two-person sales group would make everyone feel comfortable. She has also indicated that going to strip club can make some customer feel special and relax but not a useful way to generate business because no data can improve that any contract is signed in the club. And also makes some customer feel slightly aberrant and titillating environment. So she does not against to go to strip club but have some doubt of this business tool. How should Bob Turn His Company around? The OptiMotors Industry case reflects to several critical issues that manager must undertake sales management, especially heightening ethical selling. After reading experts comments and arguments and according to the professional reference, Several Advices have been given in below, includes reformation of sales department and improvement of internal competitive advantages.  According to The Harvard business review article How low will you go (2006), and due to prevention of sell man Galens poisonous selling who had taken his client into a stripper club in order to make a important sale, three of four experts in the article think that he should be fired. As it is a serious ethical problem, and this kind of problem seems small at first, or even it brings profit for company, however if it happens in long term cooperation , it would be found one day anyway, and at that time, if the scandal is disclosed, it would be a disaster for Optimotor, which could lead company to a break down result. Therefore, we are taking the expertise (fire ethical seller Galen) as the first step for Bobs auto parts company, in order to appease the debate among sale staffs and rebuild the morale of the sales team. Meanwhile, Bob Carlton, as a CEO of the OptiMotors industries, should recognize how important the sales department is in a successful organization. Thus, the next step is selecting a sales manager over controls sale men. It is indispensable action, because the current sale leader Bob seems not really good at managing his sale people, according his background, he is born technician but had never been referring to too much marketing knowledge in most time of his life. Therefore, Hiring a good sales manager may result in a reduction of his workload and the CEO can spend more time on manufacturing or making big decisions for the firm rather than supervising his personnel sellers which could lead to a worse result.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Communication in Teaching | Reflection

Communication in Teaching | Reflection Given what you have experienced during the first 21 hours of this study unit, reflect on an experience which involved communication, listening, group building or teamwork or conflict management skills (or any other skills covered in this part of the course) which occurred either during your personal secondary schooling or during your school observations throughout this year. Analyse and reflect upon this experience as explained in your course information sheets. The Value of Interpersonal relationships Interpersonal skills are important for human relationships to initiate, maintain and terminate one`s relationships. According to Johnson Johnson as cited in Johnson (2006) emphasis is made on the fact that â€Å"relationships are the key to your humanness, psychological health, personal identity, social, cognitive, and moral development, ability to cope with stress and adversity, self-actualization, educational and career productivity, and physical health.† On the other hand Johnson (2006) states that â€Å"it is only within constructive relationships that you may improve your interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization.† (p. 25) Experiences are the most effective situations in life that help the individual to mature, learn and develop his/her personality. Every experience serves as a guideline so as not to repeat the same wrong encounters or methodologies that happened in the past. We must therefore work hard to acquire strong interpersonal skills which enable us to communicate and interact well with each other. Concrete Experience I will be discussing my personal experience with my pupils during secondary school in form three. I used to make part of a group of students in a church school who used to participate and help the school to organise fund raising activities. In the beginning of form three I was encouraged by my friends to be nominated for the students` council elections. Elections for the Council used to be held at the beginning of every scholastic year. Each class was asked to elect one representative for a two-year term. These elections were class-based and overseen by the Class Tutor. I was elected as one of the student council representative. My main tasks included promoting a greater environmental awareness. I was also responsible for the publication of leaflets regarding topics of interest in the school community, organising activities such as casual dress day in aid of charity and Christmas class decoration competition. We also used to organise fund raising activities to complement the school`s main annual fund raising event. The Council used to meet regularly once every month and this helped us to feel part of the school environment. Being members of the school council, together with the school administration we had the opportunity to set up the exams timetable for the half Yearly and Annual examinations. The teacher that used to monitor the students` council was very caring, helpful, understanding and down to earth. She used to encourage us to organise different activities for the benefit of the school. I was one of ten students from the secondary area. Our relationship was friendly and team oriented. We worked hard to reach targets and our criticism towards each other was always of a constructive nature. In fact we could freely discuss work related matters and find solutions to the difficult situations that arose from time to time. We were all hard workers, responsible for our actions and were capable to work well without supervision. As a team, we used to give feedback to the teacher who was responsible who helped us finalise our ideas about any particular activity. Before implementing a school activity every representative from each class used to discuss the matter with her classmates so as to ensure fairness with everyone. Furthermore, working with such a great team and with an understanding teacher was of utmost pleasure and satisfaction. We organised many other activities such as hot dog day, yogurt day and car wash day where parents contributed by bringing their cars to school on a Saturday morning and the students had to was h the cars. These activities were very instrumental in raising funds for the school. We also organised a play for Prize Day and decorated the school hall for that particular occasion. I also had to give a helping hand in the layout of the invites. I remember, Prize Day was held in March and we were awarded a prize for loyalty, teamwork and sense of responsibility. This was the result of the hard work and sense of commitment. We provided a good overall performance in our team and we built a good rapport with our teachers, assistant heads and the head of school. The school theatre needed continuous maintenance to be more welcoming for the students and the staff. So we tried our best to organise lots of activities to gain funds for this purpose. Unfortunately, this came to an end when the teacher responsible for our students` council was pregnant and she had to go on maternity leave. She was replaced by another teacher but things began to change very rapidly. The group started to disagree about lots of things being discussed as the teacher responsible was not doing her utmost to help us work for the school. I tried my best to get on well with everyone, however, difficult people tend to pose more challenging situations. The new teacher had difficult methods and ideas and her approach towards the school administration and staff was also different. Scheduled meetings used to be cancelled by the teacher in charge on a regular basis, due to other commitments, making it more difficult for us to communicate with each other. The fact that the entire group was bothered and cooperation was lacked it made me feel uneager to work and participate. I tried to do my very best to adapt to the situation. I decided to take action about the situation because the group was split due to disagreements. So I discussed the issue with the group and we agreed to talk to the new teacher about the problem. She tried to understand our concerns and provide a solution to our dilemma but it seemed that her ineffective management skills showed poor results. The school theatre remained in the same state as the school did not have enough funds to cover the costs for refurbishment. Reflection My own experience within the teams I worked for tended to have both positive and difficult times. These may be the result of the diversity of characters as well as the different approaches which one implements in order to tackle the various situations. In everyday life one comes across all types of circumstances and this also applied to me nonetheless. Looking at a glance at the beginning of my experience, when I was elected as a student council representative, I can tell that working with students and the teacher was a remarkable experience. This was because I could deal openly with all of them. Moreover, I was trained how to work within a group and to share ideas all for one aim. Later on, I was asked to organise and help out with the play for Prize Day. This was indeed a challenge for me because I had never organised anything of the sort that was so important for the school. It was my first experience. However, everyone was helpful and reliable and I learnt a lot of skills from different tasks. This was not an easy job and since I had to deal with other students and the school administration, it was difficult at times to handle their needs. Being part of a students` council made me feel responsible for the other students and one has to try his/her best to meet others` request in the best possible way. One could understand certain complaints raised by students whenever an activity was not very well met by the others. At the end, our group together with the teacher who was responsible for the Council tried to adapt according to the needs and priorities of the school. But as Council representatives we all worked hard to gain trust from students and the school administration and this made it possible for us to work hand in hand with them. We managed to build a good relationship. It is worth mentioning that we had strict rules to follow especially with regards to finance and we were very careful to choose certain activities that were educational and appealed to the school. We used to deal with these delicate situations in a calm atmosphere and we often tried to find out a win-win situation. The time spent working together was an amazing experience and our mutual support gave us a strong sense of unity. This helped us create a tranquil environment making it possible to increase productivity. Our effort was noted by the school administration and we were shown gratitude by being awarded a prize during the prize day. The goals we achieved and the positive feedback made us feel beneficial to the school and this gave us a great sense of satisfaction. However, this attitude changed completely when the teacher responsible for the students` council had to resign due to pregnancy. Another teacher came to replace her and since then things changed for the worse. Our work became more difficult since the new teacher was unfamiliar to our routine and we had to start from scratch explaining the whole process to her. We were encountering various arguments and although I never took sides certain unwanted behaviour left a negative impact on me. I was not used to working in such an environment and I could not concentrate in carrying out my tasks due to certain conflicts. The new teacher was not taking the council seriously. We met for a very few times and planned fewer activities than before. She created a sense of lack of collaboration and indifference within the group and the students used to spend more time arguing rather than working. The team was changing and I was not feeling part of them. I am quite a hard worker and I wanted to do my u tmost to overcome such a de-motivating situation. I did not want to hinder my sense of commitment as if I knew that I was capable of offering a better service. Our teacher was authoritarian and she did not accept suggestions from members of the team. In fact I was very surprised when she tried to understand our queries and was trying to do her best. However, nothing happened and our plans to modernise the school theatre remained unchanged as the school did not have enough funds for that type of refurbishment. The group split up and everyone ended working alone without any agreement. Skills Needed and Skills Reflected Upon The above description shows my first experience when being part of an effective group which came to an end. We had outstanding communication skills both verbally and non-verbally. Besides, our first teacher used to listen to our views and suggestions and this encouraged the participation of all concerned whilst the second teacher was indifferent to our ideas and lacked responsibility. The school administration seemed to have a sense of leadership yet it was always open to our suggestions each time a difficulty arose. The group was created with the aim of working for a common goal and we all managed to develop a positive attitude towards each other. This was accomplished since our main objective was to give our utmost. Participation, determination and enthusiasm were the ingredients that made the group functioning well. Bearing in mind the content level, the procedural level and the socio-affective level as priorities of our agenda, helped us to keep strong. Every day was a new challe nge for us and we never took each other for granted. The latter fostered respect among us. At first it was an effective group since goals were clarified and changed for the best of the group and everyone worked in a cooperative way. Communication was two – way, open and accurate expression of both ideas and feelings were empathised. Self-actualisation, innovation and interpersonal effectiveness were encouraged. (Comparison of Effective and Ineffective Groups-Lecture notes.) The strong sense of leadership skills could be felt as we worked and participated together to reach one goal and lots of activities were accomplished. It was important for us to establish clear goals and discuss with our superiors the issues related to our tasks. The relationships between us, the teacher and the school administration were a positive one. We were always welcome to bring forward our opinions, and our suggestions were respected even though they were not always applied. Furthermore, we really felt part of a team since our synergy was used wisely to enhance the smooth running of our s tudent council group. Thinking back, I now realise that although we used to negotiate well with the school administration, it would have been very relevant if we were offered some training during PSD lessons. Such sessions could have been targeted to tackle assertiveness as this would have been very helpful in the future and also to know how to deal with problems and with various characters where assertiveness was the order of the day. Therefore the skill to take unpopular decisions when these were really needed in order to be fair with the rest of the group members was of utmost importance. Unlike the beginning of the first group, when the first teacher in charge resigned and another teacher took over, the group communication became one-way and ideas were only expressed; feelings were suppressed or ignored (lecture notes.) In other words, I consider the group as ineffective. First and foremost our teacher was not open for discussions and she rarely held any meetings. This was a result of lack of communication. Personally I think that I have adequate verbal and non-verbal communication skills, although I still believe that there is always room for improvement especially in stressful situations. However, it was very difficult to reach a compromise within this team. Assertiveness was far away from reality. Our teacher’s leadership skills were very unproductive. As a result the team members were either passive or aggressive. She needed to organise herself and integrate us within one group since her system was drifting us apart each and every day, and eventually the g roup was split in two. An effective leader should possess the skill to inspire. Our teacher needed to be the person who should have encouraged us by sharing with us her enthusiasm towards a positive attitude. Unfortunately, synergy failed since she adopted a two ways and two measures attitude with regards to managing her students. It was her responsibility to support every member and create an honest and trustworthy environment. This would have improved our relationship, which would have in turn been possible to exchange ideas in order to identify and reach goals. Hard to admit, this change de-motivated me. The entire group was frustrated and adopted a different approach. Before it was more challenging and satisfying and I tried to do my best to adapt to the new situation. I decided to act on the new situation because the group was split due to disagreements. So I discussed the issue with the group and we had agreed to talk to the new teacher about the problem. In spite of these difficulties and apathy among the members I still tried to take action to re-unite the group. With regards to the unproductive attitude which was adapted by the new teacher and which led to unwanted circumstances, I feel that I still need to improve my self confidence when facing an unfair situation. Furthermore, our supervisor did not have the right skills to manage a group and to acknowledge our problems. She lacked assertiveness and she was not capable of addressing individuals. She could not delegate the right tasks to the right members and maintain collaboration t o raise funds for the school. At this point she should have held a meeting every month instead of cancelling meetings every time. It was essential to discuss and work on the positive issues and to improve negative ones as well as finding possible solutions to reach a consensus. Active listening which includes a psychological level by listening attentively to both verbal and non verbal content of another speaker and physical level were lacking in the approach adopted by the new teacher towards us. The physical level entails the word ‘SOLER’ (lecturer notes) S- Face the person SQUARELY, O- Adopt an OPEN position, L- Remember that it is possible at times to LEAN toward the other person, E- Maintaining good EYE-CONTACT, R- Try to be relatively RELAXED while engaging in these behaviours. (Lecture notes – Listening and Non-verbal attending: SOLER). Despite all the encounters with many people who may have different opinions and characters, I believe that one should still do his/her best in order to create a positive approach. Every individual should feel the need of contributing towards the creation of an enjoyable life within a community. This helps us reveal our identity and makes it much more possible to integrate healthily. Last but not least, although one may come across difficult people in life who restrain cooperation s/he should also keep in mind that these people are a minority. Mandela (2012) states that â€Å"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.† On the other hand Johnson (2006) emphasises that â€Å"to live is to communicate! All life communicates in some way. Communication is the foundation for all interpersonal relationships, and our daily lives are filled with one communication experience after another.† References Johnson, D. W. (2006). Reaching Out (ninth edition ed.). USA: Pearson International Edition. Sarah Bonello

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Paidea and Identity Essay -- Philosophy Hobbes Papers

Thomas Hobbes, like Francis Bacon before him, disliked Aristotle and scholasticism. They were both quite familiar with the objects of their dislike, having encountered Aristotle and scholasticism first hand at Oxford University. Bacon later described his tutors as "men of sharp wits, shut up in their cells of a few authors, chiefly Aristotle, their Dictator." Bacon clearly saw the extent of new possibilities in thought. He held that Europeans of his time needed to sail beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the limits of ancient learning) into an ocean of new learning. Hobbes, for similar reasons described the universities as places for the production of insignificant speech. Locke also echoed this rejection of scholasticism and contempt for the universities. The purpose of this paper is to talk about this rejection and the ways in which the continuing revolt against university education by Hobbes and Locke has contributed to a new view of the self. Hobbes rejects the teleology of Aristotelian science. His view of man is shaped by Galileo's new insights about motion. His translation of the revolutionary doctrines of physics into claims about man and politics is a most remarkable piece of creative thinking. Life is not aimed at the attainment of the mature state of the species as Aristotle claimed. Man, like other physical objects, keeps moving until something (death, in the case of man) stops him. Yet the reaction to Aristotle and scholasticism was not a matter of simply rejecting the philosophy of Aristotle wholesale. The relation which philosophers had to Aristotelian ideas is much more complex. Philosophers quite typically would reject one piece of Aristotelianism but keep another. Part of the reason for this is that it is not easy... ...ump of matter to another, when the matter changes, so necessarily do the accidents which depend on it. Thus the ship of Theseus case Hobbes claims fits this model of individuation and not the first two. (10) Thus, Hobbes also can give an account of the trinity in terms of these definitions, and it is worth noting that most of the occurences of the term 'person' in the Leviathan are in the context of a discussion of the trinity. But, presumably Hobbes still regards God as a material body, and the three persons of the trinity as different representations in speech and action of that body. (11) John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, ed. Peter Nidditch, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1972. (II. xxvii. 6. 2-9) Pg. 332 (12) Ibid. (13) Ibid. (18-20) Pg. 332 (14) Ibid. (II. xxvii. 7. 23-24) Pg. 332 (15) Locke, op. cit. (II. xxvii. 9 21-28) Pg. 335

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Louise Brooks And The Flapper Era :: essays research papers fc

The flapper era was the time of the worship of youth (pandorasbox/flapper). Flappers were women of the Jazz Age. They had measurements of pre-adolescent boys, with no waistline, no bust, and no butt. Flappers had short hair worn no longer than chin length, called bobs. Their hair was often dyed and waved into flat, head-hugging curls and accessorized with wide, soft headbands. It was a new and most original style for women. A lot of make-up was worn by flappers that they even put on in public which was once unheard of and considered something done only by actresses and whores. Flappers wore short, straight dresses often covered with beads and fringes, and they were usually worn without pantyhose. Young flappers were known to be very rebellious against their parents, and society blamed their waywardness partially on the media, movies, and film stars like Louise Brooks (Szabo). Louise Brooks was a big part of the Jazz Age and had a lot of influence on the women of the 1920’s. Being a film star with a great, original personality she is known for being one of the most extraordinary women to set forth the Flapper era. Her sleek and smooth looks with her signature bob helped define the flapper look (pandorasbox/flapper).On November 14, 1906, in Cherryvale, Kansas, Mary Louise Brooks was born. She had two brothers, one sister, and parents, Leonard and Myra Brooks, who was a costume maker and pianist. In 1910, Brooks performed in her first stage role as Tom Thumb’s bride in a Cherryvale church benefit. Over the next few years she danced at men’s and women’s clubs, fairs, and various other gatherings in southeastern Kansas.At ten years old she was already a serious dancer and very much interested in it. In 1920, Brook’s family moved to Wichita, Kansas, and at 13 years old she began studying dance (pandorasbox/chron). Louise Brooks had a typical education and family life. She was very interested in reading and the arts, so in 1922 she traveled to New York City and joined the Denishawn Dance Company. This was the leading modern dance company in America at the time. In 1923, Brooks toured the United States and Canada with Denishawn by train and played a different town nearly every night, but one year later she leaves Denishawn and moves back to New York City. Not too long after her return, she gets a job as a chorus girl in the George White Scandals.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Morality of war in Afghanistan and Iraq Essay

The war in Afghanistan and Iraq are referred by President Bush as wars against terror. They came as a result of the events that happened in the land of America in September 11th 2007. During this time America was attacked by terrorists who bombed the World Trade Center and Washington’s defense unit; the pentagon. These two attacks led to the loss of about 3000 lives. Immediately the US president declared war on Afghanistan which was said to harbor the world’s terrorist Osama bin Laden who masterminded the attacks. Later, he also attacked Iraq after Saddam Hussein said that he also happy to learn that America was attacked though he was not responsible. When both nations were attacked by USA in the name of war against terror, they retaliated. Now the question of morality comes in, who had a right to fight back, is it USA or the so called terrorists? It is this question of morality that will be my main focus on this paper. On 11th September 2001, America was hit by what seemed to be a well coordinated terrorist attack. There were about 19 terrorists who worked in groups of 4 or 5 to execute their plans. They used American jetliners as bombs to hit their two targets that is, the twin towers of the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon which is the USA’s military headquarters at Arlington, Virginia. The other plane which was also hijacked failed to hit its target after the passengers realized what was going on and fought back. It crashed somewhere in rural fields of Pennsylvania. All these acts showed every traits of terrorism. And the 19 men who were involved were Arabs who came from Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other Arab countries. They were all linked to the al-Qaeda network which is an Islamic group headed by Osama bin laden. This organization is dedicated to wage war against USA and their main targets include financial, political and military section. It has never witnessed such deaths since the civil war ended. This is why Bush found it morally right to protect and to fight for he thought it wise to stand up to their bullies. The al-Qaeda network started when Osama bin laden offered himself to support Afghanistan in 1980’s against the occupation by the Union of Soviet Socialist State (USSR). He financed the anti-soviet resistance. After he succeeded in chasing the Soviet out, Osama devoted himself to fight for Muslims in other regions in the world. He was especially angered by the stationing of USA military in Saudi Arabia and the idea of United States for supporting Israel against Palestine in the Arab- Israel war. Osama is an extremist who believed that no US citizen should step in the Muslim land and is totally opposed to the Western influences. Osama bin laden is not an Afghanistan citizen. Afghanistan as an independent nation and it had its every right to fight back USA. Any independent nation should be able to protect its citizens against any external aggression. So, this is one of these obligations that Iraq and Afghanistan were meeting (Press release. 2007 Sept 27) Again, Afghanistan had every right to fight USA back in support of Osama bin laden- the said master minder. This is because a friend in deed is a friend in need. Osama and his al-Qaeda, network saved them from external aggression by the USSR. Now it was their turn to help him. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. By not fighting back was not only a sign of cowardice but also being ungrateful. The Taliban regime depended on Osama’s wealth. He helped to organize and equip all military training camps USA should have used diplomatic strategies to arrest Osama bin laden and bring an end to the operations of the al-Qaeda. According to Martin Luther King junior, you do not pay evil with evil, it will escalate to a very terrible thing. There was no way the attacked nations could have remained quiet. Yes war is not the answer and should be the last option but cannot face your enemy who is armed with open arms. For this reason, I don’t see anything unusual or bad with Iraq and Afghanistan retaliating. Therefore, they were justified to fight back. To the affected Arab nations, the September 11th, 2001 attacks if anything, was a revenge of harms done by USA to the Arab states. USA has been against the Arabs since the Israel Palestine conflict. The US government thought that it must teach these deviant nations a lesson by attacking them. They knew that US is superior to them but they had slow down its move. They were aware that that if you give your enemy an inch, they will take a mile so by fighting back, they were only reducing further military interventions. According to the Muslims (Scott D. M. , 2005) staging a holy war is not morally wrong. Muslims do value holy war or what is called Jihad. To Muslims jihad war should be directed to a visible enemy, against devil inducements and on one’s self aspects. So, by Afghanistan and Iraq fighting back, they were only fulfilling the teachings of Koran. According to them, America fits the description of a foe and it should be shunned from entering in any of the Muslim territories. According to Saddam, it was alright to fight your foe. He was a very strong supporter of this course. In one of his speech that was read by the Information Minister Saeed Al sahaf he said, â€Å"O great warrior nation, O sons our great nation men of arms who uphold the honor of resistance, God’s peace be upon you as you face the aggressors the enemies of God and humanity the passing infidels, with chests filled with faith and love for God. † In his speech he argued people to fight against their enemy, â€Å"The aggressors will flee from what is right and be damned along with their devils. Faith and honor will brighten the faces of Mujahedden (holy fighters), men and women. † He said. Saddam Hussein justified the course he took of fighting Americans and Persians. He died cursing both of them. Before he died he argued all Muslims from all over world to unite and fight their common enemy. By fighting Americans they are only acting according to the Koran’s teachings. After the September 11 attack (Press release. 2007 Sept 27)Saddam was heard saying that the act was heroic though he was not responsible there was no indication that Iraq was responsible for the attack Saddam Hussein celebrated the attacks on USA just a few days after the attack. He said that the attacks were the fruits of the crimes they had committed against humanity. There was no evidence pointing Iraq to the attack so, there was no way they could have allowed USA to attack them. Any move to punish them was resisted by fighting back. America attacked Iraq on allegations that it was involved in the 2001 September 11 attack. What I think prompted US to act against Iraq is the Saddam’s speech after the attack. It should be known that everybody should feel free to express his ideas whenever he feels like. That is why there is freedom of expression. Therefore, Saddam was only exercising his freedom of speech. In Afghanistan, the US government crushed the Taliban government and put another government of their choice. This can be said to be interfering with other states affairs. Taliban was the ruling government before it was ousted by the American troops. Thus, they were fighting back to take their former leadership positions. On the other hand, I think America had all the rights to attack Afghanistan. This is because all the evidence was pointing on Afghanistan. For example in 2007 a videotape was discovered in Afghanistan. It provided insights in Osama’s thinking and ties to the attack. This video was discovered in November 2001 and was conversation between Osama bin laden and the Arab Sheik who had visited Afghanistan. In the tape Osama bin Laden could be heard saying how he premeditated the attacks. He even knew the number of people who would be victims of the attack. Also, because he is a construction engineer, he knew that the best floors to target were three or four because the fine caused by the caused by the gas on the plane would melt all the iron above it and make the while building to collapse. This was enough evidence that linked Osama bin laden, Taliban government and USA attack. Though this tape linked Afghanistan with September eleven attacks, it was not enough evidence to prove that they are the one who did that. May be the tape was recorded by people who wanted to make a name for al-Qaeda? Even before the tape was discovered, USA had already started to revenge on Afghanistan as on 7TH October 2001(Bergen P. , 2006)